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  1. I'm noticing a strange issue with my 24-70GM that seemed to have developed after having more and more auto focus issues with this lens in general. Now, when I turn the zoom ring and hit either end of the zoom range (24mm or 70mm), the focus goes completely out of whack. If I turn it back just slightly from the physical limit, the focus goes back to "normal". It's such a bizarre behavior. I captured the video using my phone and the Imaging Edge App to visualize it. The jump in focus is very noticeable at the end of the focal range in both directions. Even with continuous autofocus and half pressed shutter, I get a significant jumping in focus at those points. Does anyone have a clue what's causing this? Time for a repair?
  2. Is there a remote which engages the auto-focus? Using the 2/10 second delay seems simply to trip the shutter at whatever the focus is set at. I'm trying to get sharp images for a self portrait, but can't get the autofocus to lock on me once I walk from the camera to my sitting position. Open to IR/wifi/wired solutions
  3. I have a new Sony A77 II. When I first used it, it beeped whenever it focused, and it prevented me from taking an out-of-focus shot. After a few days something changed. Now it no longer beeps, and it will take photos in as well as out of focus. When I press the shutter halfway it still auto-focuses though, and the viewfinder indicates focus. The camera and the lens are both set to auto-focus. "Audio signals" on the camera is set to "On" (toolbox menu 1). I have tried this with a Tamron lens, as well as with the Sony lens that came with my older a57. I assume I have changed some menu setting inadvertently, but I have gone through the menus backwards and forwards several times, and I cannot see any setting to fix this. Can somebody enlighten me?
  4. I just rented an a7R II and some lenses so I could make a wiser purchase decision on how to upgrade from my a6000. On the a6000 I can set the focus to a central point and that is what I get. When a bird is in brambles or a tree, that is how I can focus on it, ignoring the clutter around it. Sometimes I use DMF as well. The a7R II, however, even when set for a central spot is using multiple little green squares inside the central, bracketed point. I can't figure out how to get a simple, small central focus point. Who can steer me to a solution? Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi all, I'm a long time reader / first time poster with a quick question about autofocus for video on the A7rii. This topic is covered a lot online, and I'm clear on how to use AFC with video (currently on wide). It works pretty well. The only issue is, often when you're shooting, you can't really see what the camera is focusing on until you review the footage on a larger screen. Peaking works of course, but only in manual focus mode. Sometimes face tracking does what I am saying, by drawing a while box around a face. Obviously if I hold down the shutter, I get a green box on what is in focus, but of course it's impossible to shoot like this. So the issue is, all of these are useless if I'm on AFC in video mode, and there isn't a face in the shot. It would be great if there was a way to turn on peaking in AFC, or if there was some display (green/white boxes) that existed in this mode... Am I missing something somewhere in the settings? Thanks!
  6. I've been having problems with the clarity/ quality of the pictures that my a6000 produces. The pictures that the camera takes doesn't appear to me to be of high quality, not very clear/ sharp. In fact the pictures often look worse than those taken by my Samsung galaxy S6. To test the camera I initialised it, resetting it back to its factory setting. I then used a tripod and the playmemories control function in the app so act as a remote shutter, to completely eliminate camera shake. I used the auto mode to take some test pics but the quality of the pictures did not impore. The pictures were saved automatically onto my phone in 'original size' via the playmemories app, where I uploaded them to flicker via the flicker app. Please can you take a look at this image and it stats and let me know, all things given, if the imagine should be of better quality for this camera. https://flic.kr/p/R1FbnQ Also I'm using the kit lense.
  7. Hello all, I just bought my new A6000 and I've noticed some out of focus shots so I tried to make some tests. Can you please tell me if this is normal behavior or I'm doing something wrong. Test was done with camera on tripod. I've made 3 shots at f2. 1. Manual focus - centering the subject (text) right in the middle of center square (DSC00126_rs) 2. AF-S and Flexible Spot S. I've chosen the center spot (DSC00127_rs) 3. AF-S and Center (DSC00128_rs) As you can see, each time the focus is moving a bit, with greatest shift when using AF-S and Center... Lens used SEL50F18 Thanks for reply.
  8. I am curious about how the Auto function to adjust the background focus works. The function is only available when Quality is set to jpeg (e.g., Fine) and not for RAWs. But adjusting the background focus is a function of aperture, distances and focal length, so why is it not available for RAW files? I mean, one can certainly do that manually in P or Manual modes (adjust the aperture that is). so does that mean that the Auto function is adjusting the background focus some other way (e.g., post processing)?
  9. Learning cureve with A7rii I am in autofocus single (AF-S, Flexible spot medium I am set up for back button focus. I am not sure how to move the focus point around. If I try to press on the wheel buttons to move the focus point, the functions I assigned to those buttons are enacted instead of moving the focus point. Also, there is a flashing group of symbls on the LCD: something that lloks like two parentheses, a hand, a camera and an explanation point. Have no idea what that means. Thanks in advance Steve
  10. I'm new to my Sony A7III and for the most part happy, but recently I've noticed after I take a picture and move somewhere to take another, the green focus point has moved and I have to use the joy stick to recenter it. I like to keep it centered for those run and gun type of shots. Any suggestions? Thanks very much!
  11. I have my camera setup for back button focus. It is an a7ii I recently purchased. What I found the last few times I used it is that if I am in autofocus, turn the camera off, then when I turn it back on it’s automatically set itself back to my. If I activate af again it works fine. Any ideas?
  12. I've been using the 200-600 on my a7iii for a few months. It was sharp as a tack - even handheld - until recently. Now, one day the subject will be sharp, the next day it will be so soft as to be nearly unrecognizable. That happens handheld as well as on a tripod with all settings being the same. I tried re-seating the lens in the mount once and that seemed to help but not anymore. I treat it like a baby so there hasn't been any damage. My other Sony lenses are fine and dependable so it's not an issue with the camera body. I'm heading to Kenya soon and have to trust my lens. Any thoughts on what's wrong and what to try before I send it to warranty repair?
  13. Twice now my camera has basically shut down all focus options, informing me the lens is either not attached properly or the camera does not support the lens attached. As I am only using Sony lenses (the GM 85, 70-200, Sony/Zeiss 35 1.4, or 55 1.8, and Zeiss Batis 25) this message clearly wrong. The camera, purchased through the Sony Store (since closed), is under warrantee so Sony has me send it to Precision Camera for repair. Both times the camera comes back in fine working order but Precision Camera does not give any detailed information as to why this focus problem occurred. (The Sony customer support rep suggests it has something to do with the focus mount). The issue for me is I am losing confidence in the camera's performance and am wondering if this particular camera is a lemon. To be in the middle of a shoot and have a camera go down is both frustrating and costly. Any one experiencing the same issue? Thank you
  14. Looking for some advice or if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong. I recently switched from canon to sony a7rii and have been shooting with the zeiss 24-70 f/4. One issue that I've run into on a few ruined landscape timelapses is that somewhere after 10-100 photos the camera seems to readjust the focus and then the rest of my 100-500 images are out of focus slightly and soft for the rest of the duration. I typically shoot in aperture priority or manual depending on the time of day, but I have no idea what is going on from focusing and clicking start on my intervalometer to the when the images become unfocused. I haven't tried switching the focus to manual which I imagine will fix the issue, but if anyone else out there knows of a setting I need to change as well for timelapsing (perhaps image stabilization?) that would really help as I'm not used to such a sophisticated camera yet that may have other hidden settings to shut off.
  15. i have always had a issue with, even when using the fastest cards the time it takes my A7r2 to present the preview , but i have always the centre zone area or the full area for focusing , but today I used centre and small flexible spot focus points and I am surprised to see how much faster the pre view appears . virtually instant, why on earth is that happening, very happy but surprised
  16. Dear friends, It is ever so easy to shift the camera, focus on the subject and make a composition prior to taking the picture that I don't understand why the camera does not keep the light conditions as well when shifting to the frame you want to take... it would be so nice! I know that if you shoot in manual and have a fixed ISO, that would happen, but that is not the case. I normally use auto ISO and adjust the needs of the photo I want to shoot, depending on the shutter speed and the aperture to be used (fast shutter for moving subjects such as birds and wide open for small depth of field). Problem here as you might have guessed is that after focusing the subject, as I move the camera to my liking, the ISO changes drastically depending on the different light conditions that frame needs. So, Is it at all possible to "lock" ALL settings, including focus, and ISO as you shift the camera? This must be as automatic as the focus, so you don't need to make any changes turning knobs or wheels, just by half pressing the shutter once... Maybe I'm asking for too much, but it would save a lot of hassle and you would no doubt get a higher percentage of great exposed pictures. Thanks a lot, Spanish Flyer
  17. Hi on Saturday , not for the first time, I gave up trying to use the eye focus on my A7r2. It matters not which lens I have fitted, but the acquisition of a face square and the eye focus square are random to say the least. Given the praises that have been sung over these focusing aids I have to assume I have something not set correctly. I was taking 20-30 images of 50 models at speed so I tried both continuous and single focus modes, full focus area and zone are and even centre area. I have face recognition turned on and eye focus assigned to c3 button. I was shooting with studio lights at f8 _ 1/160 _ iso 100 all day . Is there a focal length that works better, I see videos of people using all sorts of focal lengths and still saying how brilliant the eye focus is. I found standing in roughly the same place and the models the same that the face recognition was totally random when it appeared. The images them selves are fine , in fact every one is in focus so thats not a issue. What are the aperture and other parameters that you have found that allow the camera to regularly find faces never mind the eye focus?
  18. I have not had my 7RII for very long but I am not new to digital photography (I probably qualify as an "old fart"). I do mostly portrait photography, in studio and outside. I use AF-C with EyeFocus on the AEL button and that works well. Now, if I am working outside, I may be further away from the model or I may want to take a quick photo of a car passing by (or whatever). In that situation, EyeFocus will not work and that's very annoying because the camera is not focussing properly when hitting the EyeFocus button since there is no eye to focus on. What would be a good setup/setting to be able to focus in both types of situations? EyeFocus on AEL (as it is) and use another button for another type of focus? Or can I leave the shutter half-press to normal focus (it is currently off) and use the AEL button only when I want EyeFocus? Any insightful advice will be appreciated.
  19. Hello, My Sony 70-200 2.8 GM lens not communicating with my body. im getting dash in aperture, lens not focusing at all. I tested this lens on multiple sony bodies. did anyone had this issue ?
  20. Hi Does anybody else struggle manual focusing on the a7sii screen, its almost impossible for me to work without a external monitor!. i use the zoom in focus feature, but it doesn't seem to help, when the clips are exported they are always sharp, but always look blurred on the a7sii screen like the led screen isnt in focus ! Any Help Thanks
  21. Hey if this is the wrong forum for this question, I apologize in advance. I need a zoon lens for my new A7RIII that is at least 600mm for nature, wildlife, birds, etc photography. Ideally, I would get the Son 200-600mm lens, but with tax, it is over $2000 and that's stretching my budget right now. I saw on B&H the Sigma 150-600mm w/ MC-11 adapter at about 1/2 the price. The reviews were mixed and I'm not entirely certain it would work on the A7RIII. I have a Sigma 100-400mm with the MC-11 that is okay, but can only really work in AF-S mode and is quite heavy so I don't use it much. Anyway, does anyone have experience with the Sigma 150-600mm w/ MC-11 adapter on the SonyA7RIII or can you suggest an alternative? Thanks for your time!
  22. I'm trying to shoot a video of myself in front of a background. I am in focus but the background is blurred. Is it possible to ask the A6000 to have everything in the same focus?
  23. Hi, I have a A6000 with a SEL35F18 lens. About a week ago I noticed the camera/lens will not focus on anything that is further than 4 meters away. It says on the display it is on infinity. It’s like the sensor on the focus ring needs resetting or something. Any suggestions would be appreciated Thank you Jacques
  24. Hello there, sony shooters! It is my first post here. I searched a lot but I couldn't find any solution related to my problem. So it goes like this: I have Sony A7s II and I had attached 50mm f/1.8 lens on it. When I was switching my camera to continuous autofocus, it was starting to hunt for a focus, never mind it was night or day, it was at 1.8 or 9, it was hunting for a focus hopelessly. Then I bought Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 and again, it started hunting for a focus. This happens if camera is standby and I press shutter button for focus during photo. But if I switch it on video mode, everything is perfect and everything works very well. Even when I shoot video AF is great, Eye-AF also works perfectly, but when I want to shoot, say, my running dog, every image is out of focus. Did any of you have such an issue? What's a problem? I tried every focus mode but problem continues. Edited: I almost missed that it Tamron and Sony 50mm lens worked perfectly on a73. Thanks for your attention and sorry, if such post existed before. If so, please link me Happy shooting!
  25. I am trying to set up continuous autofocus without pressing the shutter, and can only get it to work on one of my 4 sony A6000's. For the life of me I cannot figure out what is different about the settings on that one camera that will enable the lens to refocus without pressing down the shutter when I move the camera around to different subjects. I have tried different lenses, and they all will continuously autofocus on just that one camera. All of the sony a6000's have been upgraded to version 3.2. Thanks for any ideas/help.
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