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Hello guys,


My old sony alpha100 died. I want to buy a new one that is compatible with my zooms, and that keeps being so easy (I am really not a proooo) 


what are your advice? which one should I go for?

I was thinking to buy second hand one. Do you think it ts a good idea?


Thank you very much,


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Assuming that you do not want to spend much money, then my advice would be to buy a second hand Sony A700 body only on ebay.  These were very solid cameras much more solid than A100 and in use very similar to A100.  They also had slightly higher resolution - 12 megapixels versus 10 megapixels for A100.


With some patience, you should be able to pick up a good body for about US$200.- or less, if you are in the US. An example of one sold recently is here:




You will be able to reuse everything from the failed A100 other than the body, of course:  lenses, battery, memory card, power supply, cables.  You will get a solid camera with much better viewfinder than the one A100 had.


Also, as you already have battery, power supply, cables and memory card you can pick up an A700 that is sold without these,  Such bare bones body may sell for $100 or so.


You would need some patience though.  These cameras are getting rare.



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Guest Jaf-Photo

The A700 would be the cheapest option which is also most similar to A100. It has a very nice sensor with good colours (but bad AWB) and rubust and simple operations. You may of course want to check out the newer SLT cameras, but that depends on what lenses you have.

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Battery of A100 (FM55H) cannot be used in A700.


I wouldn't choose a replacement based on battery 

compatibility, unless perhaps ypou have more than

just one or two very fresh batteries. Batteries are 

ephemeral. OTHO, since they are also over priced, 

I might choose according to whether Wasabi [blue 

Nook] offers a version for a given camera. $30 for 

a pair plus charger with mains AND automotive 

connectors, and a good reputation.

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Hello guys,


My old sony alpha100 died. I want to buy a new one that is compatible with my zooms, and that keeps being so easy (I am really not a proooo)


what are your advice? which one should I go for?

I was thinking to buy second hand one. Do you think it ts a good idea?


Thank you very much,


I'm not sure what your budget is but there are many SLT's on eBay for less than $300 w/ a buy it now price!


Just be smart about buying second hand on eBay or any site.

Don't jump at the first one you see.

Ask questions.

Request they snap some photos and send them. Use an EXIF reader to make sure it's from the camera they're selling (no way to be certain it's from THAT cam but it's doubtful they have the same model laying around to use)

ONLY purchase one from a seller that accepts returns


I took a chance in an auction earlier this year and bought an A77v and nabbed it for $405 in an auction. Once it arrived I discovered a giant thumbprint on the translucent mirror so I immediately ordered a new one ($35 from Sears) then took a test pic so I could use the software to find out how many snaps it had on it which is of course your major concern and I was amazed to find it was all but brand new it only had 30 snaps!


Anyway my point is there are treasures out there just be careful and if you find any and want my or our advice we are here to help.


Let us know what you purchase!!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have my A100, but decided to upgrade last year.  I ended up getting an A65 on eBay with 2 lenses and a case for $465.  Everything except the compact flash cards work with it.  I already had some high speed SD cards, so I was set.  And, the batteries that I used with the A100 work fine with the A65.  The A65 is set up a little different, but is still easy to use.  Plus, it just flat out takes better pictures.  I have no regrets on that purchase.

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  • 3 months later...

Assuming that you do not want to spend much money, then my advice would be to buy a second hand Sony A700 body only on ebay.  These were very solid cameras much more solid than A100 and in use very similar to A100.  They also had slightly higher resolution - 12 megapixels versus 10 megapixels for A100.


With some patience, you should be able to pick up a good body for about US$200.- or less, if you are in the US. An example of one sold recently is here:




You will be able to reuse everything from the failed A100 other than the body, of course:  lenses, battery, memory card, power supply, cables.  You will get a solid camera with much better viewfinder than the one A100 had.


Also, as you already have battery, power supply, cables and memory card you can pick up an A700 that is sold without these,  Such bare bones body may sell for $100 or so.


You would need some patience though.  These cameras are getting rare.


I know this is an old thread, but I'm reading it, so others might also.  Point of correction: the battery originally supplied with the A100 cannot be used with the A700, although A700 batteries will work fine in the A100.  There is a groove designed through the middle of the A700 battery that slips over a ridge in the battery compartment.  The a100 battery has no groove, so cannot be inserted into the A700 battery compartment.  I suppose you could insert the A100 battery into the grip if your A700 is so equipped (the battery compartment of the A700 Grip does not have the ridge), but I would be hesitant to do so.  I would like to think that Sony had reasons other than selling new batteries for making the a700 non-backward compatible.

Happy shooting.

Caruso (my first post here)

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