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  1. Mathias

    Just some shots

    Hey guys I would like to share some of my latest shots. Equipment used: A7II, FE55/1.8, FE90/2.8M, FE35/2.8 Divided by Mathias, auf Flickr Into the Mist by Mathias, auf Flickr Pencil by Mathias, auf Flickr Ablaze by Mathias, auf Flickr Withered by Mathias, auf Flickr Swiss Mountain Panorama by Mathias, auf Flickr Dark Side by Mathias, auf Flickr
  2. A wet day @ the City Park in Lynden, WA back in December 2016. Shot with my Sony a7II w/Minolta MD 28mm F2.8. Love the results I keep getting from these MF gems! View the full size photo and others on my Flickr page here https://www.flickr.com/photos/135213168@N07/with/32017713060/
  3. Blackberry with Rokkor 58mm f/1.2 Spring Foliage with Vivitar 135mm f/2.8 Close Focus Lilium martagon via Tamron 90mm f/2.5 Listera Ovata
  4. Shot with Sony A7II and Sony Zeiss Distagon FE 35mm F1.4 during the middle of the night. One of the first pictures of that evening I took: And here would be my favourite shot of the weekend, this is "music festival" for me: You might find other interesting works on konzty.deviantart.com ... or not. Have a great day :-)
  5. Mathias

    Portrait Time

    Hey there Portrait time with my Fiancée Melissa. Lighting: Indirect off-camera flash (Nissin Di700A & Air Commander). Sony A7II & FE 90/2.8 Macro @ f/2.8, 1/250th, ISO100. Eye AF (though the room was pretty dark, so it struggled quite a bit). Cheers Melissa by Mathias, auf Flickr
  6. From Kew Gardens with Tamron 90mm f/2.5 on A7II Flames Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha All photos on Listera Ovata
  7. Last month (May 2016) I can bid for a Minolta lens on Ebay, which I previously had before: Minolta RF 5.6 / 250 mm. The lens is in mint condition and works very well on my Sony A7II. The manual focusing is a pleasure with focus-peaking. But it´s not easy because of the small depth of focus. As my picture example proves you can get great results with this combination.
  8. First two with Vivitar 135mm f/2.8 CF, remaining with Tamron 90mm f/2.5 52B all on A7II. Anthemis cretica Prunus avium Erythronium OoF by Listera Ovata
  9. Hey there Captured on Zugerberg in Switzerland. Shot on A7II & 35/1.4ZA Sea of Fog by Mathias, auf Flickr
  10. Hello, Ive just recieved my MC-11 and a Sigma 150-600 Contemporary in Canon Mount, and Im doing some testing today to see if this combo is any good. So far Rishi at DPreview seems to be spot on regarding AF-C, but Im not sure if its PDAF or some kind of magic trick yet. I have done a short video of AF-C and one of AF-S. Links to youtube on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/caegear/26492260581/in/dateposted-public/ Af-S, AF-C is working. AF-S seems as fast as my a6000/Sel55210 combo. setting lens to "Manual Override" (one of three options on AF/MF/MO on lens) makes Focus magnification kick in whenever you touch focusing wheel while focusing! Fantastic imho. Ill get back with more info later. I have to run out in the woods now to test the combo out.
  11. Just joined this group and searched the topic and didn't find anything.....apologies if this has already been covered. I shoot Nikon professionally but also have an A6000 walk around that I love. I've started hanging some legacy lenses off the Sony and, overall, am very pleased w/ the result. I'm going to purchase a Sony FF mirrorless just for that purpose (too much invested in Nikon to make complete switch and do love their cameras) and am wondering about which one to go with. My question: Given that the camera will be used almost exclusively for legacy lenses, can I get away w/ purchasing an older Sony FF mirrorless (A7) or do newer bodies generally yield a significantly better image w/ legacy glass? Realize this may be a hornet nest type of question but hope not. Thanks for your help, much appreciated
  12. Went for a walk to Lucerne yesterday. Beautiful, clear weather, despite the cold wind that blows down the lake. Here's the view towards the mountains as seen from the border of the lake: Lake Lucerne by Mathias, auf Flickr A7II & FE35/1.4 Cheers
  13. Mathias

    Macro - Gibson LP

    Hi there These were shot with the Sony FE G90/2.8M on the A7II. I used the little HVL-F20M flash in bounce mode. Both are at F/5.6. Tuner by Mathias, auf Flickr Pickup by Mathias, auf Flickr Cheers
  14. I used my new Sony 70-200/f4 on a weekend trip recently and took a lot of street photos using this lens. Looks OK on screen and also at home, until I zoom in. Then most pictures are a little bit un-sharp, like if it isn't really focused. I used f-values between 4-7.1 and shutter speed of at least 1/400, so I don't think movement is a problem. And the edges are not fuzzy, it is more like you can't see the smallest details, like pores in the skin etc. Is my lens in need of calibration of what can the problem be? I'm very new to this kind of tele-lenses, so I don't know. I use AF single with medium spot btw and aim for anywhere on the face.
  15. I have had my A7II for a while and I really like it. But there is one issue that makes me so mad I sometimes consider changing camera just because of that. And I just want to confirm that there is no workaround for this that I have missed. The issue is that I'm always use back button focus and that seems to prevent me from taking HDR bracketed images in a good way. The reason is that the camera does not allow to take HDR bracketed images using timer (like the A7RII does) and then you need to use a remote to not shake the camera. However, the remote doesn't allow you to take pictures if the AF is not enabled for the shutter button (i.e. when I use back button focus, the remote doesn't work). Is there a workaround for this? In my opinion ever serious landscape photographer uses back button focus (or manual), so it's a deal breaker to not be able to take HDR in any sane way with this enabled...
  16. Hi, I've set up my A7II as follows: Back button focus using the AF/MF button - normal AF when lever is up, Eye-AF when lever is down. Now, I've read on this forum that the phase-detect sites only work on AF-C. As I never use AF-C, it was a revelation to me to see that AF-C is much faster then AF-S, using the FE 28/2 with back button focusing - I don't see the hunting and 'breathing' that I see when using shutter button AF. Now, my questions are, is there a reference anywhere with all the AF alternatives? And what does 'Center Lock AF' do, and how to use it? Also, what's the point of the monitor screen called 'For Viewfinder'? Just don't get it... Thanks for you help
  17. Hello, after a 3 month experience with the Voigtlander Nokton 35 1.4 Classic, where I disappointed from the curve focus plane (see this page), I decided to sell it and to find something else. I tried for fun a Samyang 35 F/1.2 lens (which is an APS-C lens) on the Sony A7II in Full Frame mode, and... wow! At the lowest distance of focus (around 38cm) the coverage of the sensor is almost complete, at 2.8 the vignetting is really small and the center sharpness is very good. At infinity, the vignetting is a little more pronounced, with dark corners. If you crop the image a little bit (I think less than 10%) and apply 60% of light fall correction in C1, the lens is really usable. Obviously the sharpness fall off on the borders (left and right, top and bottom are good enough). It's similar to the "vintage" effect on CV lenses. I just put here some examples (ARW and JPG), more will come next days and I'm uploading some photos on Flickr. For now I'm pretty happy, in my opinion wide open is better than the CV 35 1.4, wich is better closing the diaphram. Files on Dropbox Best regards, Marco.
  18. Sony A7 II, Zeiss Batis 85mm 1.8 ƒ/2.0 1/400 ISO 100 available light only Model: Ines
  19. Hi there I would like to share a bunch of shots from my latest short trip to Venice, Italy. What a beautiful, photogenic city! The first photo shows the painted houses of Burano, a lovely, colorful small town on an island reachable only by boat. I highly recommend visiting it if you’re nearby. The complete album can be found here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/58422351/Venezia All shot on A7II & FE 55/1.8 Thanks for stopping by. Burano [explored] by Mathias, auf Flickr Gondolas by Mathias, auf Flickr Venezia by Mathias, auf Flickr
  20. I'm going on a safari to Kenya soon and I don't feel I know enough about taking pictures with my Sony 70-200/f4 (on a A7II). I know it would be better with a longer focal length, but this is what I've got. But to make sure I get as good pictures as possible with my setup, could you give me some hints on settings both for the lens and for the camera that could be useful? I'm guessing it is mostly day time photography from an open car. Planning on getting a bean bag for some support also. Greatful for all help I can get!
  21. First two with Canon Macro 100mm f/2.8 and the last with Rokkor 58mm f/1.2+extension tube Centaurea tchihatcheffii Centaurea tchihatcheffii Muscari azureum Listera Ovata
  22. I'm quite happy with how these turned out so I felt like sharing them with you guys! Make me think of cinnamon buns or a crazy wizard waving his staff. A7ii + Laowa 15mm f2 @ f2.8 8s ISO800
  23. Hi again, I am hearing from none Sony Alpha users that I should not trust the peaking feature on my A7II. with that being said, I have noticed from time to time that the final result may not always be as crisp and clean as I would like even though I dialed in on the most robust peaking when I pulled the trigger on the shots. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues? If so, what can I do to ensure I am capturing perfect shots? And I am talking about shots where my ISO is between 200-640, 1/60-1/125 and F/1.8 and higher... Does not seem to make much difference if i'm shooting from tripod or hand held. Thoughts? Mike
  24. In this video, This guy got ISO102,400 and higher on A7II. Is it even possible?
  25. Hi, i have the problem, that in Auto-Mode for Viewfinder/Monitor the Monitor of the camera often change to the EVF if i hold my camera to look at a picture or make some adjustments. The sensor seems to recognize my chest or in other words it is too sensitive. There seems to be no adjustment in the menu to regulate the sensivity but i know there is a trick, which i've read in a post about the Alpha 7MII before i bought it - but now i can't find the solution. Changing from auto to EVF or Monitor ist not the best solution for me. Thanks for help. Torsten
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