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A7R3 lenses firmware updates?


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I am finally getting around to updating my Sony gear. Had some initial difficulties updating the camera on my M1 Apple, but once I went to a non-M1 laptop that went fine. For the lenses I have been able to update my 400-600 and 70=200 without an issue, but the 24-70 and 16-35 will not take, the updater just crashes on launch.

My question is whether there are even appropriate up-daters for my lenses as I get confused by the naming. I have:

FE 2.8/24-70 GM
FE 2.8/16-35 GM

Are there updates for these lenses?



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I can't speak for the f2.8/24-70 GM as I do not have this lens but indeed there is a firmware update for the f2.8/16-35 GM which can be downloaded from: https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/lenses-e-mount-lenses/sel1635gm

I had no problem updating my lens using my Mac though admittedly it was about 3 years ago!



Edited by Bokehbobo
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