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I have a sony a58 camera with an original lens for 15 months. When i turn the camera on the message  "F--" is blinking on the monitor, and i cannot do nothing. A message appears on the monitor "Please mount the lens", but the lens is mounted. Sometimes the camera after several minutes is ok, sometimes i must wait for hours.

If someone knows something about it please reply.


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Sounds like the electrical connection between the body and lens is loose. First, try mounting the lens and wiggle it to see if there's any play. If there is, twist in push it very gently to see if your camera can recognize the lens. If you can make brief contact, you may need the lens mount adjusted.


Next, try getting some rubbing alcohol and a paper towel so you can clean the contacts on the body and lens. Make sure to only put a tiny amout of rubbing alcohol on the paper towel, and try not to get anything on the mirror.


If the above doesn't work, you might have electrical failure in the lens or body, and you're going to need to get it repaired. Try going to a local camera store and test your lens with a different body, and your body with a different lens to find out which one is at fault.


Good luck!

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