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A7RV - focus issue on right side with several lenses


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Hi, I am a new user on this forum so please forgive me if I have selected the wrong place to write my post.

I'm having doubts about my new camera A7RV and its focus issue that appears on the right side of the frame while using all lenses that I own:

- 24-70mm F2.8 GMII

- 20mm F1.8 G

- 24-105mm F4.0 G


I tested the above 3 lenses using a tripod, lens test chart, 45 degree, following all relevant rules, in manual mode, with image stabilization and lens corrections switched off.

For some reason while testing these lenses wide open and on the wide focal length (either 20mm or 24mm) there is a visible difference with the focus range on the left and right side. I'm attaching some photos with the focus peaking which illustrates the issue - you can see that the focus range (highlighted in blue) on the left side is higher on the image/further from the camera than the focus range on the right side. This happens with each of my lenses, so it can be the lens's fault.

Anyone could help? This camera is very expensive and I would like to be sure that my copy does not have any issues...

Thank you!


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Welcome to the FORUM.

It sounds like you are doing everything right.  Unfortunately, for some reason, I can't enlarge the images.

The first thing that comes to mind for me is that the distance between the camera has to be EXACTLY the same on BOTH sides of the test chart.  If one side of the camera is even slightly closer to the test chart than the other, focusing will be off.  You should be able to determine this by carefully examining the result -- one side will be focused closer than the other.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So einen Test muss man immer unter eindeutig definierten Laborbedingungen durchführen. Es reicht nicht, die Kamera auf ein Stativ zu stellen und nach Einschätzung einzurichten. Dazu muss die optische Achse exakt in einem Winkel von genau 90 Grad auf die Mitte des Objekts gerichtet sein. Es darf nichts auch nur leicht verkantet sein.
Dazu kommt, dass Objektive keine Präzisionsgeräte sondern Massenware mit gewissen Fertigungstoleranzen sind.
Und dann noch mit ganz offenen Blenden, z.T. mit Zoomobjektiven.
Ich meine, dass man von Consumerprodukten keine Wunder erwarten darf.

Such a test must always be performed under clearly defined laboratory conditions. It is not enough to place the camera on a tripod and set it up according to estimation. For this purpose, the optical axis must be directed at the center of the object at an angle of exactly 90 degrees. Nothing must be even slightly tilted.
In addition, lenses are not precision devices but mass-produced goods with certain manufacturing tolerances.
And then with completely open apertures, partly with zoom lenses.
I don't think you should expect miracles from consumer products.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/22/2023 at 12:37 AM, XKAES said:

Since EWA hasn't been back to this thread, I assume she has figured it out -- or found something more important to worry about.

Maybe she has, but the answers here may help someone else with the same problem - don't feel like your effort is wasted! It's nice when someone replies to let us know that we helped, but they often do not.

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I don't have an answer, but I had the same problem with my two A7RIV. I never definitively figured out if it was one of the cameras or lens, but it seemed to occur only with my Sony 24-70mm, and with either body. I had been shooting with that lens for years with no problem, but on a trip I noticed one side of the pictures taken with that lens were significantly out of focus, even when everything was on the same plane. It ruined a lot of great shots. I finally decided it was the lens, and replaced it with a Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 Art Lens and have never had the problem again. 

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