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I see a number of new lenses coming onto the market with aperture rings (I like this because I started in film photography where all lenses had aperture rings, rather than setting it through the camera) others being designed with manual focussing only, cameras only shooting black & white (Leica, not Sony)

What can we expect next? single use flash bulbs? cameras that need hand held light metering? Maybe a blanket to put over our heads? (actually, I see you can already get shades so you can view the LCD screen better on sunny days).

Any fun suggestions of old ideas for the next generation of camera?

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For other than cameras:

- Round rotating dials to make phone calls ?

- TV remotes with a lonnnnnnnnng cable between your seat and your TV set?

For Cameras:

- Separate range finder to achieve focus on non existent distance scales of focusing ring on lenses ?

- Cameras generating negative images in RAW format that require reversal ?

- Screw-in terminal to use traditional cable release ?

- A fully automatic bellows system to enable macro beyond 1:1 magnification with most lenses ?

- Replacement of TTL flash by on flash sensor ?

- User replaceable focusing screens ?

- Interchangeable viewfinders ?

- Vertical grips that add features like 120 images per second and allows the use of AA batteries ?

- Single point autofocus sensor ?

- Camera with no Auto or Program Modes ?

- Viewfinders that only show shutter speed and aperture ?

- Digital back that can be retrofitted to most 35mm cameras of another era ?



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The FujiFilm X-Pro 3 takes these things to the extreme: optical viewfinder with fixed focal length, rear screen that's not meant to be used for composing a shot (instead it has a small rear screen that only shows the film emulation and ISO), a thumb dial that mimicks the one used to roll the film to the next frame. Only thing out of place here is a physical ISO-dial: how would that work with film?

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