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Which aftermarket flash ?


This will make or break the possibility of shooting in A or other modes 


Modern cameras require a certain exchange of data between body/flash and lens to achieve any sort of automation. If your flash does not communicate properly, either nothing will happen, nothing good will happen or you may even damage your camera ( older flash units used to transmit very high voltages through the hot shoe )

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How do you activate flash functions in aperture priority and other modes in

new a7rIII? No obvious answer in manual and currently only works in Auto,

which I never use. Using an aftermarket flash, if that makes any difference.


If your flash has only a single center contact, using it in A-mode is 

quite simple. Two cautions would be 


1. Check that the trigger voltage is less than about 20 volts, and 

2. The user is responsible for watching that the resulting A-mode 

shutter speed is not above synch speed. 


It would very likely be easier to use such a flash in M-mode than 

in A-mode. Then you can use the flash in its Auto mode, and not 

hafta keep watch over a constantly changing shutter speed. 

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Guest Jaf-Photo

The aftermarket flash could be manual only or maybe TTL for another brand. In either case, you'll really have to provide the full details of the flash for anyone to answer your question.

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