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Last week , my uncle told me about an old minolta af 70-210 lens he had just stored away. When I saw it , there was a lot of fungus and I had it cleaned by the repair guy , and the aperture was fixed. << Prior to the cleaning I kinda broke off one of the electrical connections ( I think it can be soldiered ) but I'm not totally sure because I was thinking of using the lens manual anyway.


I got a fotasy sony amount to emount adapter which is manual only.


So when I tested the newly cleaned and fixed lens, it works well but I noticed it was dark unless I was outside. I found out the aperture was in it's default focal length, I think it's probably around f/8 or f/11 and there's no way of controlling the aperture manually.


Did some research >


http://photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00X2Wi?start=10  << and there's a suggestion using hot glue or epoxy on the aperture so it's wide open. It's f4 on this beercan version but mine is around f4.,5 - 5.6. I tried hot glue but it's not enough , epoxy works. It's probably stuck on 4.5 now and I can't use the zoom of focus ring on the lens, must be because the epoxy applied was too much.


I already spent around 120 usd on repairing this lens and buying the adapter , and it feels like I wasted money on what I could have used for a new sigma lens.


1.) So now its stuck on 70 mm , with a 4.5 focal length. The focus ring is stuck.


2.) If I didn't touch the internals before the cleaning, I could have bought an electronic adapter but that would cost like 200 usd here.


3.) If I didn't use epoxy , I could use zoom and focus ring but the aperture would be around f/8.



If anyone can help me out here  please do.

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I already spent like 100 usd on the repair and adapter, so another 50 for repair which I dont think would solve the problem.


I can probably remove the epoxy but it goes back to the default aperture, I wish there was a way to use like an adapter that you can change the aperture manually, or if you know a cheaper adapter please let me know. Thanks

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Update : Well the lens is useless now. The epoxy has spread to its internals and there's no way of fixing it again. The glass is cloudy , and I have just found out that the fotasy adapters do have aperture control. Wheew so stupid =( . It wasn't indicated in any manual , nor was it explained by the seller. 




Feel so bad right now.

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