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sony a5100 Color/exposure changes depending on what i'm wearing

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so i've been using the a5100 for half a year now, primarily for streaming. i have been noticing that the exposure and color of the image changes depending on the shirt i'm wearing. it's not a big problem now since i've moved to a bigger room with white walls, but when i used to sit in a smaller room with dark blue walls it changes drastically depending on the shirt/hoody i was wearing. i've been noticing that when i start the camera the image is dark with a red/purple hue. it takes some time for the camera to brighten up. after getting time to brighten up the image is bright and desaturated, and over time it get slightly darker and more saturated until it stops, usually takes 30m-1hr. i know about dro, have tried turning it of and using dro lvl 1. the same still happens. which makes me think it's either a software problem or some smart feature. 

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