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@6300 battery capasity

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My @6300 battery can go from 100% down to 85% when camera is shut off for 4-5 days.

Have two batteries. One is Sony Type NP-FW50 and the other is Hanel HL-XW50.

Same problem with both batteries.

Remote Control is shut off but WiFi is probably ON. Do not know if  WiFi may be disabled?


Arne M.

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If this is truly a concern, your only real fix is to remove the batteries from the camera...there is a slow drain by the camera even when off and in airplane mode.  I just solve this problem by having multiple batteries charged and take a few extra with me. 

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On the off chance that this is genuinely a worry, your exclusive genuine settle is to expel the kshowonline from the camera...there is a moderate deplete by the camera notwithstanding when off and in plane mode.I simply take care of this issue by having numerous batteries charged and bring a couple of additional with me.

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