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is that they have the firmware/software infrastructure to do so much but they limit us in silly ways. Just two examples that cause me hassle. These comments relate to my A6000/A7 combination, things may have changed on later cameras.


1. I can't trigger video mode remotely. I can control everything nicely from an android device for stills but video--no. I can't even map the video start/stop to the shutter release button and use a wired remote.


2. Focus bracketing. I can take three  pictures at a limited choice of spacing - no numeric information on actual spacing. Why only three - why not proper control for focus stacking? The mechanism is there, if you can do three, why not five, why not whatever you want?, 


Just two that spring to mind, you may well have your own pet peeves about apparently needless limitations.

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This stuff is endless. The hackers at Magic Lantern

address such issues, and offer spectacular solutions

..... for Canon users. Very rational approach. Canon

is the default system. Not Nikon, which would strike

some folks as not right. And not Sony, which should

strike no one as odd ... least of all us users of Sony ! 


If it makes you feel any better, they say misery loves

company, Leica and Fuji users suffer similar abuse. 

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What I found most interesting (and disappointing) is the revelation these Sony cameras all run Android as their OS.  Which is actually shouldn't be surprising at all, since Android was originally developed as a camera OS, even before smartphones were a thing.


But the big disappointment is that means their cameras could, and should, be open to SO MUCH customization by end users and by the open source community.  But instead Sony has them completely locked down.  Very sad.

But of course, if they did open up the possibility of custom apps, then they wouldn't be able to make money selling their own apps.  Since there would be literally hundreds of free alternatives available.

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