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Sigma sold their 90/2.8 as a macro lens and I recently

got an LAEA3 so it's no longer sitting around unused.


I use mainly use Nikkor macro lenses so the Sigma is

simply my general purpose 90 cuz it has auto iris via

the adapter but the Nikkors do not. But as it happens

I'd never tried the 90 at infinity. First thing I discover

is that it has no solid stop at infinity focus. Next thing

is that it can produce some minor ghosting of a light

source within the frame. Third thing is that Sony IBIS

does a pretty decent job, as I can see stars in this sky

shot at 1/40 using camera HDR6, so part of the HDR

bracket is around 1/8 sec.


I did compare additional frames to confirm that the

stars are indeed stars, and not just some hot pixels.


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Here's a frame made in more normal conditions.  










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90/2.8 Sigma Macro on LAEA3  



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