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Hi everyone, 


I published a few days ago on my blog a long list of 35mm legacy lenses.


I had this list for years, and finally got to clean it up a bit to make it comprehensible to others and not just me ;)


I'll try to keep it updated, so come back every few months if the lens you want is not there. You can check it - and download a copy for personal use, if you want - at:


35mm legacy lenses: sizes and specs


Careful, the list is 2,5Mb, so the page will take quite a bit to load!


And if you're interested at the following url you can learn how the idea was born (not my site, I was a guest on this particular occasion):


How the 35mm legacy lenses list was born: a guest post at DearSusan


In a bit I should be able to publish another one about medium format legacy lenses, if anyone is interested, so stay tuned.


Happy pictures :)



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Thanks, and the various wiki's are indeed both pretty useful and more "in depth" than the present list.


The only problem is that printed resources (magazines and such) occupy a lot of space, while online resources now and then "run out of business" (I first started dabbling on the internet in 1993, so I've seen quite a few disappear). A list on your own machine it is unlikely to encounter the same fate ;)

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What an impressive effort!


You should really turn it into a (moderated by you) Wiki so others can contribute, as a fellow afficianado of legacy lenses, I can spot a few gaps in the list already which I (and I'm sure others) would be happy to contribute to. I hope you consider this.


BTW, long time follower of your own blog, please keep up the excellent work

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What an impressive effort!


You should really turn it into a (moderated by you) Wiki so others can contribute, as a fellow afficianado of legacy lenses, I can spot a few gaps in the list already which I (and I'm sure others) would be happy to contribute to. I hope you consider this.


BTW, long time follower of your own blog, please keep up the excellent work


Thanks! Unfortunately moderating a wiki would take seriously too much time, and honestly I do not have that kind of patience anyway ;)


But, like I think I also wrote in the post, if anyone has infos that care to share I will be happy to update the list now and then (like every couple months, not like every few days…), whenever I have a bit of spare time.


The only requirement is that the lenses have to be still useful ones, so not, for example, old kit zooms or poor-performing old universal lenses. In my opinion at today's prices it just doesn't make any sense to buy, say, an old Vivitar 135mm when with the same money you can buy a Nikon or a Minolta, for example.


Anyway, in a couple weeks the medium format lenses list should be online as well (still checking for mistakes), so stay tuned (or just subscribe via Facebook or RSS if you want instant updates!).

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