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I read with amusement the complains of those who say there are not enough lenses for the sony FF e-mount system.      I get the impression the people who complain about the lack of lenses are;

  1. Just envious Nikon and canon owners who are looking at a means to knock the mirrorless revolution.  Perhaps they just want to sound intelligent  when saying they will not switch to mirrorless.

  2. Professionals who tend to blame their tool and  simply lack the old analogue skills.   ( they are technicians rather than artists)

I,m an amateur so I guess the pros will say the A7r is made for me!!!  thats not to say the camera isn't with out its frustrations. I take macro photos and that shutter has me saying lots of naughty words  at times.   Lets hope there is an A7RII  or the A9 with an EFCS  as well as the IBIS.



I use a range of lenses on the A7r, Old minolta legacy lenses an EOS mount Petzval( thank you Lomography) as well as microscope objectives and enlarger lenses.   For my macro photography I wanted a tilt shift system.   Of course I wanted a wide angle Tilt shift as well . The compromise was  to order a Mirex Tilt shift adapter ( A truly simple  effective piece of engineering). Following the some discussions with the manufacturer( I had started out thinking the MIrex would be best as a M42 mount)  I settled on a Mirex Mamiya 645 -EOS adapter which of course is fitted to the A7r via an EOS - Nex adapter.    The result isn't beautiful but the results are.   I then purchased two Mamiya 645 lenses  a 35mm wide angle and the 80mm macro.     Heres a shot of the 80mm macro in action:




This is the sort of picture it produces:




The 35mm ( Mamiya Sekor C 35mm F 3.5 N) produced this test panorama:




And with the tilt function:










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 I used a 4x5 for years. The point of Scheimpflug for most of us was to get evrything in focus. It's cute to see it used for wierd modern out of focus stuff but I'm not sure what the point is. It just looks dumb to me.

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PenGun ===> A very old school, old text book view :D .   Nothing wrong with your view but just becasue you don't like it down't mean you have to call something dumb ( it tell us all a whole lot about you)  I personally find it  useful being able to adjust the tilt to pick what is  in focus.....   Check the internet about so called "miniatures" you will find there are many who don't think its dumb.   

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PenGun ===> A very old school, old text book view :D .   Nothing wrong with your view but just becasue you don't like it down't mean you have to call something dumb ( it tell us all a whole lot about you)  I personally find it  useful being able to adjust the tilt to pick what is  in focus.....   Check the internet about so called "miniatures" you will find there are many who don't think its dumb.   

 Oh nearly everybody disagrees with me. I get mostly amusement from the people who demand fast lenses so they can throw most of the picture out of focus. It's fine, I'm a cranky old man who loves the wilderness, and humans somewhat less, and I try sometimes to show people what I thought was wonderful. I fail a lot but it's what I do for fun.


 As for dumb, I'm not sure you have any other purpose than demonstrating that tilt can move the focus plane around, so sensitivity may be a bad idea. A focused shore, with out of focus trees behind it, looks right dumb to me.


 I have been doing this, with many cameras for 50 years now, so I do, at least, have some perspective. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Folks, 


I am looking for a high quality mamiya or hasselblad MF to mount on my A7R, along with a mirex tilt/shift adaptor, it needs to be a version with full manual aperture control. pretend price isn't any issue, any recommendations? ( I only shoot landscapes with front to back sharpness requirements), what lens would even come close to the canon 24mm T/S II, if any ?


(I have already burned my fingers once, trying a contax 645 MF lens, with 2 x kipon adaptors, it just did not work due to the lens having electronic aperture control and the kipon adaptors in-build iris not being up to it.)





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    • i said the lens, Sigma DG DN sports 70-200 FE, the lens is fast enough to track most small birds coming at you or flying away, but the camera seemingly does not want to track   it also does the same with my Sony lenses on LA-EA5 adapter.   I always do birds at f/4 and 1/5000+ and no stabilizer   Thanks for the link on BIF, I will check it out and show results  
    • You must be. I have an A7 IV and an A1, and while the A7 IV isn't nearly as fast as the A1, it is actually more tenacious. I have never had a problem with any kind of action shooting at all. Conversely, I had an A7R III that I loved, but the AF was so far behind the A7 IV I had to give it up.  I also had trouble with Ambassador settings. Without naming any one in particular, I found most of them to be useless.  Have you ever checked out Mirrorless Comparison? This post has rankings for many different cameras. The A7 IV is ranked very high and in some excellent company:

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        Here's a link to the post. You can also poke around the site and find a full review along with his settings for A7 IV BIF, if that helps.   The Best Mirrorless Cameras for Birds in Flight Ranked - Mirrorless Comparison   As to what's causing this, no way to know without knowing every setting, which lenses, etc.     
    • will check these ideas out. thanks to all
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