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My recent one-on-one in a camera shop with the new Leica Q makes me even more interested in reacquiring an RX1R (I previously had the RX1).


Thing is, after this length of time, there must be a replacement in the pipeline.


SAR seems to have gone very quiet on the RX2/R and some pundits are now even suggesting the original cameras were experiments which are likely not to be repeated.


I can be patient but at what point should I assume that the RX1R is the last product we are likely to see in fixed lens, full frame from Sony?



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Your post makes me wonder why you parted with your RX1.  While not perfect, it is certainly a damn fine camera and it will be difficult for Sony to markedly improve on the original, at least in regards to the things that really matter to me.  I have no idea what the future holds, but I am taking from different cues that this camera did not have a great deal of commercial success in the marketplace.  This is probably likely because many people did not see its virtues (primarily jaw dropping IQ and "carry everywhere" compactness) being outweighed by its limitations (e.g. no build in view finder, no zoom, and mostly price).  Leica may be able to get away with charging luxury prices but the Sony brand just doesn't have the Leica cachet and history. Thus, the idea that this was an experiment which will not soon be repeated certainly has some traction with me, for what that's worth (really nothing).  Maybe give it a little more time to see what Sony is up to, but if the RX1R will make you happy (and you can afford it) why not just give in and pick one up?  If Sony does ultimately produce an RX1II, you can always buy it and sell your RX1R on e-bay.  (I'm selfishly hoping that the RX1II never comes because then maybe my RX1 will achieve the status of a "classic.")  I understand your dilemma though.  I too would be reluctant to purchase one now if it is just going to be replaced by an updated model.

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Thanks for the response. What got me thinking was an interview at DPreview with one of the senior guys at Sony:


When you were designing this camera, what did you benchmark against?

KM: In terms of video, we benchmarked against our professional equipment, like the FS700. In terms of still imaging we compared against the original a7R and the RX1. The RX1 is one of the highest-resolution cameras in the industry. Of course we also got data from the Nikon D800 and D810.


It is interesting that he classes the RX1 as the benchmark for still imaging. 


I'm not in a hurry and I must admit I tend to haunt ebay for good s/h bargains - if one pops up I may be tempted. I would prefer the RX1R over the RX1 - since owning both the A7R and the Ricoh GR (as well as DP2M and DP3M) I have noticed a difference not having an AA filter and I don't think I'd be happy going back to a camera with one.



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I hear you BigL i nearly bought one s/h for less than half price in perfect condition, it was not much more expensive than buying just a 35 lens, that was my rationale, why buy a lens when you can have a whole camera, i would love to see sony release a 42mpx rx2r with 55 1.8 lens.

Or say 3 of them, 28/35/55, and built in evf, im sorry but there is nothing better than evf [or ovf et] for composing in my opinion.

The add on evf was clunky and expensive.


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Totally agree about the EVF - was clunky and expensive but it did round off the camera. And actually the one feature I do like is the vertical viewing. I come from MF Hasselblad cameras so that vertical viewing is very natural to me.


And in this day and age an EVF is, imho, essential - what's not to like about actually seeing the EV being applied to the shot?



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Me too, the first real camera i owned was a mamiya and i loved using the flip up viewfinder with a magnifying glass in the lid you could pop out too if needed, the focus was very precise and even though it was a largish camera it was very stable at waist level looking down.

Wish i still had that camera. :mellow:


P.s. I am not that impressed with Sony's version of sepia in picture presets, just as a side note. Too orange, not how i remember it looking.

I think they could work on there b&w preset too.[gripes over] :lol:

Yeah the advert is still up for s/h rx1r for $1300au negotiable i just checked.hmmmm.


The thing is, 1300 + 1500 for selling my a7m2 is=2 thirds of an a7r2~ haha, you bastard sony!! :D

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Why replace the RX1? It's a great camera that needs a minor firmware fix for its autofocus. Shame on Sony. Fuji has added firmware upgrades to improve autofocus for its cameras. Fuji's 4.0FW for its FT1 improved the focusing on the old the 35mm 1.4 lens that it's like owning a new lens/camera combo. Proves that it can be done. Amazing that Sony has done nothing for a camera that cost over $3000. Should have provided a firmware upgrade when they released the A7 line. It's not too late Sony!!!

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