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I haven't invested in Sony yet but I'm waiting for whenever the new A7r 2 comes out. I won't be able to afford a lens for a while but I have 3 Contax G series lenses; 24,45,90 mm. I haven't seen a good auto focus adapter so I'm thinking manual. Can anyone give me their experience, good or bad. What's best?

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I haven't invested in Sony yet but I'm waiting for whenever the new A7r 2 comes out. I won't be able to afford a lens for a while but I have 3 Contax G series lenses; 24,45,90 mm. I haven't seen a good auto focus adapter so I'm thinking manual. Can anyone give me their experience, good or bad. What's best?

You mean, you have 28mm, 45mm and the 90mm?  I don't know if there ever was a 24mm lens.


I only have the Metabones adapter that came with my 90mm lens.  The lens is very contrasty on the A7r and is not very useful (shutter sucks for head shoulder portraits).  I doubt it will be useful on the A7r II, especially if it comes with even more pixels.


The adapter works.  It is a pain to put it on and take it off.  I have left it with the lens (the only lens I have).  there is a U tube video to explain how to put the adapter on and take it off without that one is totally lost.

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Yes, sorry. I have the 28mm. What do you mean the shutter isn't good for portraits. Too loud? Freighters the models? Do you mean the lens isn't good? I will be using it for landscape and portraits and printing at least a meter or yard wide. If the metabones adapter isn't good, does anyone have experience with anything better.

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Here is the U tube video:


I do not think it is specific to Metabones (not sure, not having used any other) and I think it is the nature of the G mount.


The lens is superb.  It is the camera that has shortcomings.

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I have the Kiwi adapter which is pretty good and a lot more compact than the Metabones.


Here's a pic with the 2/45:



Downside is that I am not able to mount it on the a7S while it worked pretty good on the a7R (which I now longer have), no biggy for me personally as I was planning to sell the Planar anyway.

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See my post in another topic, it is smooth there's more play than with a manual focus lens:



Focus peaking will show you where the most contrast is in the image so works best with lenses that are sharp wide-open combined with a small DOF and my guess is that I don't have to tell you the 2/45 falls in that category easily :)

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  • 2 months later...

I own a chinese?  autofocus adpter for contax G to Sony mount.

it is a TECHART ,  it works if I can say works is the word.

it can make the autofocus, takes one or two seconds but works.  I supose the autofocus of that age was so slow, so no problem for me.  the manual focus is slow or almost difficult using the Metabones adapter. ( I have two of these also)

The problem with the techart is that I have to mount it twice as allways fail to connect fine. at the second connection succeeds.

I´ll pay more for the same adapter without that problem if it exist.  the adapter is not a solid metal one piece made, is a sandwich of materials and probably has dimension tolerances.

The manual Metabones adapter are luxury finished. have troubles mounting them or mounting the lens.

despite is very well made it seems to no latch perfectly to my lens.

  I lef one of them on each lens to avoid troubles.

I am not completelly happy with that stuff.

actually only have the 45 and  90mm lens. 

I am fed up of the adapters (oly, Konica, contax,  canon,  leica are fine more or less, leica screw are shit....)

I am so tired that as a result of this  I sold my A7.

the only original lens I got is the 24-70.   is good on stabilization and is a good loking lens good image quality BUT looking at the DX optics charts and tests the A7 can register , I do not know, probably 17 megapixels.    fot that amount a good micro four thirds camera can do the same record. not the same low light rendering but ...

a bigger sensor is for full use of the resolution and quality, for only 17 megapixels is not worth spend such a money.

I hope Sony polishes that product and mount and I´ll enter again.

I have a cemetery of lenses unused waiting for a more resolution camera, silent, solid mount, lasting battery , best sensor angle light ...bla bla....

by the way I have the LA4LA (I do not know the name) and a lot of Minolta lenses. 

As I sold the camera body I do not know how they work.

I think I entered very early in the mount because to adapt my Leica lenses.  I am not completely happy with the results and left the ship.

perhaps the A7rII XXL can fill my expectations.

now if I had the camera I would check the new Voigtlander 15mm version III (leica adapted)


My conclusion is that if sameone makes a solid autofocus adapter for the Contax G lenses , go for it.

the ideal is a metabones well designed and the electronics of the chinesse guys inside.

I think that with the actual sony sensors the 45 and 90 are the only Contax lenses worth to use in the Sony mount.

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