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Hey all, i started to post this under an existing topic but figured would start a new one.

Anyone else think it has been awful quiet in the news realm for the new a7rii? I mean usually with a new release of moderate changes to a camera upgrade you would think there would be a lot more buzz but seams pretty dead!

I thought that sony would let some of their top artisans shoot with the a7rii and post some full rez files for people to pixel peep and stir some enthusiasm but haven't seen hardly anything.

On the same not i still have not heard anymore about sony making the uncompressed raw happen yet!  

I hope some of you pre ordered the a7rii and will post some real user images and honest thoughts about the camera.

I have a photo group that go out and shoot quite often and one of them pre ordered so i am looking forward to seeing results from him, oh and he told me that he pre ordered from B&H and that they told him when he ordered that it will come with 2-batteries and a standalone charger as well as the ac adapter which i found pleasant and thought sony should have been giving two batteries and a charger with all the a7 series cameras.

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I know of at least two A7r II cameras that will be going into underwater housings in the next week or two.


For Jack Devant, beautiful work on your web site. Great to see the same equipment being used for such different types of work. This is my favorite US ballet photographer a guy I have known for years.



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