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A6300 ISO Drop and auto zoom when pressing REC

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Hello. I will apologise for my nieveity in video making. This is my first camera making videos as a hobby and I’m just learning through forums and YouTube.. so I’m not a professional.


I have tried my camera in a number of modes, auto, video, M, A. The same thing happens. I adjust my ISO, aperture, focus and get a really lovely image on the display (exactly what I want). Then, I hit record button and the image zooms In, and it all darkens and I get orange colour blurs all across the footage I’m shooting.


I’ve noticed it happens more in low light, but also in sunlight the colour and iso drops when I hit the record button.


I would love to know what’s causing this. I’ve tried a camera reset.


My camera gear is A6300, sigma DC f/1.4 e mount.


Thanks so much for any help!

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