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Just thought I would post some thoughts about this forum....


Of all the forums I have been a member of (I am currently an active member of 4 other forums), this one seems to get less comments on threads than any other. A quick look through the images section shows that posting here is unlikely to garner any input at all from other members. Some images have one comment, but most seem to go unremarked. A very few seem to get 5 or 6 replies. Same goes for many threads on adapted lenses. It's hardly encouragement for new members to post anything. I get the impression that people here are more interested in posting threads than taking part, unless they know the poster.


This is not a sour grapes post; personally I get plenty of feedback elsewhere. I have though only posted 2 images here because it aĺl seems a bit pointless. It just seems a waste of a good forum. I am just wondering why this forum lacks the interaction I see on most other photographic forums? It could be a great forum.


It will be interesting to see how many replies this thread gets. I am not holding my breath, but to be honest I am starting to wonder why I bother visiting here.

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