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Found 3 results

  1. I did the upgrade protocol from sony to bring my A1 to firmware version 2.01 and my 200-600 to version 3. I did not upgrade the body with the lens attached. I've had my A1 paired with the 200-600 for about 1.5 years without a hitch, very good performance. After the double upgrade, my camera started randomly losing communication with the lens, causing the f- to appear in the viewfinder. The aperture then starts to pulse narrower and wider while the viewfinder slowly flickers. I thoroughly cleaned the mount and contacts on both the lens and the camera with a microfiber cloth and eclipse camera sensor cleaner. It didn't help. I've cleaned the lens and camera both three or four times now and the issue keeps happening. I can clear the error a number of ways, none of which helps every time with one attempt, sometimes requiring multiple attempts with different methods. The methods are: disconnecting/reconnecting the lens, turning the power on and off, wiggling the lens w\o removing it or powering off, and pulling the battery. Aside from that, the combo works slightly better than before the update. Focus seems slightly snappier, images are sharp when focus acquires, and eye autofocus seems mildly improved at greater distances to the subject. The random communication loss has cost me a lot of shots though. It's quite annoying. I have access to 4 other sony cameras, along with lenses from sony, sigma, and tamron. I tested the tammy 28-75 today and couldn't replicate the issue. I'm going to test the 200-600 with my other bodies, and all of my lenses on the A1. Hopefully it only affects the 200-600. I hope it's something sony can fix once I figure out if it's specific to the lens or affects the body with other lenses as well.
  2. I wish I can set a bottom to switch to APS-C crop in a second and I higly desire a "star" menu like Canon cameras where to save the most used menu settings, SONY menu is really crowded! Anyone have other nice wishes tha SONY can easy do with a firmware upgrade? Alex
  3. Dear friends, Yesterday I tried to update the firmware of my Sony A7s. After updating, camera is not working at all. It fails to turn on 9 out of 10 times and when it turns on , I can see only the mode that the camera is in, at the screen, for example I can see only the letter M (for manual) I try to reinstall the firmware but the update programme does not recognise the camera over the cable. Its only 3 months camera and I dont know what to do. I have send a mail to Sony support but they have not yet reply to me. Does anyone know what I have to do? Is there a way to reset or hard reset the camera in order to update again? When I bought the camera and made the update for version 1,2 everything was working correct. Now nothing is working. Please any ideas? Thank you
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