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That depends on how you define "legacy lenses". Some (if not most) would probably define it like "lenses you need adapters for" or similar, so in that case: no.


If you want lenses that will fit your E-mount that are not made by Sony, you have some to choose from. Check out Samyang and Mitakon lenses, also Zeiss makes some (both manual focus and soon the Batis autofocus lenses).


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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The E mount that is used on the A6000 is only about 5 years old, so not much of an opportunity for a "legacy" yet. The E mount's very short registration length (distance from the back of the lens to the sensor, E mount is 18mm compared to 44.5mm on Sony/Minolta A mount {all brands are different}) means that almost any 35mm camera lens ever made will work on the A6000 with a very inexpensive adapter.


The adapter does two things, it matches lens registration distance to E mount and adds the "Legacy" lens mount. Example: Sony/Minolta A mount 44.5mm - 18mm = 26.5mm thick adapter) plus it has the female "Legacy" lens mount on one end and the male E mount bayonet on the other. You should be able to find them for most lenses in the $10-$20 range. There are some great old inexpensive "Legacy" lenses out there, have fun!

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Sony's LA-EAx (x=1-4) adapters allow auto focus and aperture using Sony/Minolta auto focus lenses. Metabones and others make similar adapters that allow use of similar autofocus lenses from Canon, Nikon, Pentax, etc on your camera. All those adapters are pretty slick, and they're expensive to match.


Older lenses from both SLRs and rangefinder 35mm cameras are in many cases as good as their modern equivalents, or better, are cheap and have no electrical contacts. However, those require manual focus and exposure setting.


Exposure setting can be done by allowing the camera to adjust shutter speed or ISO. Manual focus is easy using focus peaking and/or magnification. As oldmartinorg notes there are good 3rd party native E mount lenses out there. B&H and Adorama are two sources, while KEH is a good source for used gear.

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