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A7sii defaulting to 30fps

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New to this forum. What a great resource.


I have two A7sii cameras that I use for professional video production. Both are on the latest firmware. I just got burned on a shoot because the newer A7sii camera is defaulting to 30fps when you power down and remove the battery. My other A7sii camera keeps it's settings regardless of battery changes. I've set the newer camera up and saved the settings to one of the user files but no luck. It still defaults to 30fps. I've been shooting A7s cameras for years so I'm very familiar with the menu's but this has me stumped.


Has anyone else experienced this and if so how do you fix it?


Oh, one more thing, I just had both cameras out on a shoot in Israel and did not have an issue with the cameras keeping there settings.




Thanks in advance for your help.



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Hi Kelly.

Don't have an answer but just wanted to clarify..... as I've not heard of a camera changing it's setup previously, unless someone else has played with it.   What are you expecting it to be when you turn on the camera?  I assume you are in NTSC mode, rather than PAL mode.

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