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Hi, I'm a pro photographer and I've been using an a7rII with an a6000 as a second/back-up camera. It'a a great camera and as I've purchased a couple of lenses specifically for it lately I'm using it more and more. So I want to upgrade and I was thinking of the a6500 for all of the wonderful features, except I don't need the speed. I shoot portraits and cityscapes for the corporate sector. What would be perfect for me would be more resolution than the current 24mpx standard. I remember Samsung had a 28mpx APS-C sensor (I think). I've heard no rumours (but lets face it with Sony's current release cycle of new products there's hardly any breathing space to speculate). Has anyone heard of anything and do you think there's a realistic chance of one being released? I'd wait it out for the perfect second camera.

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Guest Jaf-Photo

There are always rumours of higher resolution APS-C cameras. The rumours preceeding A6300 talked about 28MP. But the industry standard seems to be firmly parked at 24MP for now.


Increasing the resolution won't necessary result in better image quality. There would be issues with noise and optical performance. 24MP seems to be optimal with current technology.

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24mp is the current norm for "pro" users. 

You say you are a "pro". So, no problem. 


Another norm of the "pro" realm is solid 

avoidance of being an early adopter, so 

whatever is rumored, on-the-horizon, or 

"about to be released" is of zero interest 

to you ... so, again, no problem for you. 

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Guest Jaf-Photo


whatever is rumored, on-the-horizon, or 

"about to be released" is of zero interest 

to you ... so, again, no problem for you.


Jedi mind-trick?

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Hi, I'm a pro photographer and I've been using an a7rII with an a6000 as a second/back-up camera. It'a a great camera and as I've purchased a couple of lenses specifically for it lately I'm using it more and more. So I want to upgrade and I was thinking of the a6500 for all of the wonderful features, except I don't need the speed. I shoot portraits and cityscapes for the corporate sector. What would be perfect for me would be more resolution than the current 24mpx standard. I remember Samsung had a 28mpx APS-C sensor (I think). I've heard no rumours (but lets face it with Sony's current release cycle of new products there's hardly any breathing space to speculate). Has anyone heard of anything and do you think there's a realistic chance of one being released? I'd wait it out for the perfect second camera.

The Samsung is the highly-rated NX500. 28 Megapixels, 4K before others had 4K. A great camera. Alas, Samsung has apparently closed down their camera business. Another one bites the dust.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't believe resolution is the answer. A camera without an  anti-alias filter  definitely  helps. Beyond that, the answer is sensor size.  Without an increase in sensor size, camera  makers are simply packing more "cells" in the same  space.

Accepting your "pro" credentials, you very likely use a tripod when practical. Beyond that,  I would be looking at a large format camera.

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  • 1 month later...

You already get a APS-C inside of a A7RII camera just by changing modes. Everything increases from there on. Even portability is not a big deal. Remember that APS-C cameras are only part of the censor itself and thus less particles of the indivisual image. That 24mpx  might be translating as a 12mpx when compared to it's full frame counter part.


Like recently the Nikon series have created a more powerful APS-C in comparison to the D5 series. However it is still cropped.

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