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I realize this is a forum/rumor site dedicated to the Alpha style cameras but I was wondering if there has been any talk of Sony's camcorders being updated in the near future?


thanks, jeff

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Are you talking about Pro Camcorders or Consumer Camcorders?  At NAB this year Sony Pro Camorders had updates but nothing new.  The FS5 and FS7 (4K) are selling well.  Panasonic Vericam LT is also doing well but starts at around $18K...

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thanks for the response jccash.  I'm really looking forward to an update to the ax53.


I like the idea of thinking of camcorders not as Pro model verses consumer model and more as Permit model non-permit model - Use the Permit model out in public and someone is going to shut your project down unless you've gone through the hassle of paying the location permit tax. <_<  (yes larger productions should be required to get location permits as they can overwhelm a situation )


Seeing that the events are over, maybe no updated models this year



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