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a6300 4k video not uploading to Youtube


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I'm really enjoying the quality of video from the a6300. I made a video of a trip to Tokyo Disneyland, but when I look at the published video in Youtube the maximum resolution available to view is 1440p. Why is this?


My settings:

  • L20M
  • 16:9
  • XAVC S 4k
  • 24p 100M Super 35mm
  • Creative style - vivid
I import the clips into imovie then export to Youtube. I'd like it in 2160/ 4k.
Any help, or redirecting to a more appropriate forum (I'm new, sorry) would be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you - Tim


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's because YouTube and similar websites will automatically recompress whatever you've uploaded. There is no work around. (despite what some websites will say)


Also, DON'T USE iMovie under an circumstances!!! It also recompresses your videos. There's a long story about how iMovie set back video recording several years by not working with higher quality encoding. It can't even handle AVCHD let alone XAVCS HD or real 4K.


Is there anyway to share high quality video online so all your friends and family can see what you shot? Not really. Other than burning your AVCHD or XAVCS video to a Blu Ray and mailing it to them.


4K video? Keep in mind they'll need a 4K TV to even play from a memory stick.


Sorry to sound so negative but this is one of the major problems with YouTube and iMovie. They don't like higher quality video.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Try Vimeo instead of youtube.

Also download a copy of Resolve 12.5 for your editing... its free for the non-Pro version, but it gives you a lot of pro tools!  Just need to check if you can export a 4k (UHD) video in the free version.... I think it will.

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