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  • Rangefinder style (what do you need this stupid pseudo prisma for???)
  • Better viewfinder for manual focusing - picture in picture
  • More manual control wheels on the outside
  • Clear separation of still image and video stuff in the menus (maybe with the option to hide the video stuff for pure photography)

Well, most of all I do not care much for new camera models. What I need is lenses. Cameras are useless without lenses! Compare Sony's performance to Fuji's - dismal!

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I do hope the new "Pro" body will not be larger than the a7R, and better to be more compact.  36MP are plenty for me.


As for features:

- a completely silent shutter and operations mode.

- non-compressed Raw files, or provide the option.

- a Voice Comment option to image files.

- vertical front mode adjustment wheel, or under the shutter button, or another ergo solution.

- 1/8" jack for mic/headphone, or Bluetooth!

- the higher rez OVF/EVF integration idea 

- yes, VF to the side - not on the hump


lots more personal niche stuff - better/full M lens, and other MF lenses use, dual cards, better battery life (although current life is OK for me, but this new body might have more demands the more I list here...)

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Actually i was looking forward to further information about the new alpha7000.You mentioned one E-mount camera coming eventually, do you think it could be the a7000?


The new "Pro" will be E-Mount! But shurely not an A7000 ...

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I considered the A7 and A7R, but decided to wait for the next generation for these reasons:


-- quieter shutter

-- better and faster focus at least like the A6000


I'm easy to please. With these two features I'd be ready to jump on board. I always felt the initial three A7 series bodies were like typical first generation products. e.g. you remember the first iPhone compared to what it is now in the iPhone 6? I am really excited about these 2nd generation A7 bodies. They always say, don't buy the 1st generation. The refinements will be awesome.

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Hi, I upgraded to an A7 earlier this year, from an A700. I don't have a big investment in A-mount lenses so have commented to going mirrorless.  The A7 is brilliant:  the image quality is great, I love the features and I can hire Canon or Nikon lenses if I need a specialist lens.


I'm excited about the rumor of a PRO FF E-mount body. My wish list includes:

•  Dual card slot

•  Better weather sealing

•  Longer battery life  (happy if the body is a bit bigger to accommodate this)

•  full electronic shutter option - for completely silent shutter

•  Large MP sensor  (but don't need it crazy big…36-45MP would be plenty)

•  In body IS  (like Olympus' 5 axis would be awesome!)

•  Pop-up flash or at least a built in flash trigger for wireless flash

•  Uncompressed RAW file option

•  Small RAW file option (like D800)

•  Much better JPEG quality

•  Sony to include a dual battery charger with the camera purchase


Lens wish list:

•  Fast super wide angle (14mm f2.8) with excellent optical sharpness, suitable for architectural work

•  Wide Tilt/Shift

•  90mm Macro  (looking forward to the G lens coming next year), 180mm Macro

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aktuelle "Rumours":

(SR5) Brand new Alpha PRO FF E-mount camera to be announced before the CP+ show in February!

Body of the current A7/s/r series

That this kind of rumors I am 99% certain it’s going to become true! According to many of my very best sources Sony is preparing a huge special event in late January early February (right before CP+). Unlike (the rather boring) Photokina there will be much more exciting news at CP+. There will be (at least) one new FF E-mount camera with those characteristics:

1) First of a complete new generation of interchangeable Full Frame E-mount camera(s). Which means the tech is redesigned from ground up!
2) Complete new sensors (this means brand new tech and huge bump forward in quality). I hope to get details about that soon but it should have “many” Megapixels.
3) Use of an advanced version of the hybrid A6000 autofocus system.
4) Unlike the current A7 series this new generation of FF E-mount cameras are made for the very PRO market! Designed to challenge the best DSLR cameras on market like the Nikon D810 or Canon 5DmarkIII (on aspects like autofocus, reliability, build quality and features).

Also lenses to come too: New FE lenses will be announced along the new camera launch (including one lens that has no specs on the official roadmap).
Possible surprises: I also got word about other cameras (1 A-mount and 1 E-mount). But sources didn’t tell me if those will be announced at the same event too.

I am yet not sure if that camera is a A7/s/r replacement or (more likely) a new sort of A9 PRO camera series. I also have been told those cameras will be displayed at the CP+ show in Japan which starts on February 12. Don’t know yet when the exact announcement date is (maybe late January already?). I am working to get the details about those cameras and with a bit of look I can unveil some more details soon. To not miss any of them quickly subscribe our social network:
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More tidbits about the new camera: I have been told the A7 camera series was a Sony “attempt” to study the market. This new PRO FE camera was developed with maximum possible resources and tech knowledge. It will be Sony’s first serious camera to fight against the big ones. We will finally see if Mirrorless can succeed against DSLR cameras when it comes to “grab” the professional market. That camera is also the main reason why Sony is launching their PRO service all over the world (article on SAR here). It’s also very likely there will be different variations of that new camera generations coming during 2015 and 2016.


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Hoping for
- a solid flash system with more sturdy connection between shoe and triggers, flashes / wireless options / good riddance that flash-delay... finally maybe, please -
- un-compressed Raw / option for it
- no anti-aliasing filter / option for it
- quiet shutter !!!!!
- no shutter vibration !!!
- remote shutter release by radio

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1. hopefully it does have a better battery life (fed up carrying 10 batteries for a day out on my h50 and f717,

2.one that does not sound like someone's shaking a can of beans (silent shutter pleaseeeee)

3. the price, it is a camera, not a car so lets keep things in perspective,

4. no I don't want to buy a camera that by the time I buy all the bits and pieces that ends up the same as a DSLR.

 if sony sorted all the above up, I would have purchased an a7r by now :D

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    • i said the lens, Sigma DG DN sports 70-200 FE, the lens is fast enough to track most small birds coming at you or flying away, but the camera seemingly does not want to track   it also does the same with my Sony lenses on LA-EA5 adapter.   I always do birds at f/4 and 1/5000+ and no stabilizer   Thanks for the link on BIF, I will check it out and show results  
    • You must be. I have an A7 IV and an A1, and while the A7 IV isn't nearly as fast as the A1, it is actually more tenacious. I have never had a problem with any kind of action shooting at all. Conversely, I had an A7R III that I loved, but the AF was so far behind the A7 IV I had to give it up.  I also had trouble with Ambassador settings. Without naming any one in particular, I found most of them to be useless.  Have you ever checked out Mirrorless Comparison? This post has rankings for many different cameras. The A7 IV is ranked very high and in some excellent company:

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        Here's a link to the post. You can also poke around the site and find a full review along with his settings for A7 IV BIF, if that helps.   The Best Mirrorless Cameras for Birds in Flight Ranked - Mirrorless Comparison   As to what's causing this, no way to know without knowing every setting, which lenses, etc.     
    • will check these ideas out. thanks to all
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