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I have a a5000 and am trying to take pictures of some oil paintings.

I'm a newbie with cameras so please bear with me.


My photos are only ok, but the very edges of the painting are blurry.

It's like the Focus settings need to be changed.

It's auto focusing and gives me that preview green brackets that show what is being focused on.

It just shows a large area in the center of the painting and never can i get it to focus similarly on the surrounding edges of the painting.


Does anybody have advice?

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Which lens are you using ? Kit zooms can have issues in the corners


What zoom setting is it on  if it is a zoom ? 


What exposure mode are you using ?


In theory and depending on painting size and working distance, you will need the lens to be set at a small aperture like F11. If you are in Auto mode, the camera will never provide you with this kind of aperture unless you are working in full sunlight

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Make sure the "film plane" is parallel to the painting,

and as already mentioned, stop down to f/8 or 11.


Do not attempt to use AF. Use the focus magnifier

and use the rocker switch to move the focus point

all over the image to check focus in multiple places. 


Use manual exposure and if using the kit lens keep

the zoom near the midrange view, not wide or long.

The kit lens is optically excellent at midrange if you

stop it down.


Your subject distance needs to be at least 150% of

the longer dimension of the painting. If this is simply

not possible in your work space, just accept inferior

results and don't beat your head on the wall trying

to make it better. For a student portfolio, no problem

with inferior results. But if you want to sell paintings,

or solicit commissions, you can't compromise much  

on the technical aspects.




If you're going to do a lot of this work, get an E-NF

adapter and an old "Micro-Nikkor" 55/3.5 macro. It

has a very flat focus field. Most of your general use

type modern lenses lack that. Cost is $90 to $150

and absolutely worth it if you do this regularly.

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Where are you buying your pola sheets

and what type of lighting are you using ? 



Been 37 years since I photographed artwork. IIRC, I had linear polarizer  sheets on the two lights  (45˚ angle to the artwork) and back then a linear polarizing filter on my film camera.


Should be able to search the web for today's recommended version of that setup. :-)

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  • 1 year later...

sorry to resurrect an old thread, but i'm hoping to clarify this:





If you're going to do a lot of this work, get an E-NF

adapter and an old "Micro-Nikkor" 55/3.5 macro. It

has a very flat focus field. Most of your general use

type modern lenses lack that. Cost is $90 to $150

and absolutely worth it if you do this regularly.



So an "E-NF adapter" is required so this old lens can fit on my a5000?

And then this is the lens i should try?

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    • Shooting a cactus flower is probably where you do want to have nice bokeh. I can't recall which camera you're shooting, or maybe you haven't said, but using live view you can see what the shot will look like before you press the button. Try setting up on a flower or something stationary where you can control the background and see the changes different settings make. 
    • That's what I got from your post here: When shooting at f/11, bokeh is indeed not something you should be concerned with, unless when shooting closeup. Nearly all lenses have a polygonal iris shape at f/11 which naturally gives a more edgy rendering of out of focus areas. @Cameratose's example is perfect for demonstrating the relevance of bokeh. To some extent you can influence the backdrop of a shot, but if it is busy foliage relatively close by, it'd better not be distracting from your subject. Some lenses are able to create a more pleasing background than others, even at the same aperture setting and focal length. For the impact of the entire image one might even argue that the smoothness of the background is as relevant as the sharpness of the subject.
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