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Since owning a mirrorless camera, I've built quite a collection of legacy lenses. There are only so many 35's, 50's,85's, etc, out there that I've tried and want to keep. Unfortunately, I just don't have time to use them all. And usually grab my favorite go-to's. I was wondering whats the best way to store away lenses? Best case? Temperature? Any special care I gotta do from time to time? 




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The biggest enemy is humidity! You'll want to store them dry and dust free, that's all. Temperature is not so important, as long as it's not really extreme.


If you are living in a hot and humid area, your best case is a Pelican (or a decent knock-off) and some drying agent like silica gel.

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  • 2 months later...

The biggest enemy is humidity! You'll want to store them dry and dust free, that's all. Temperature is not so important, as long as it's not really extreme.


If you are living in a hot and humid area, your best case is a Pelican (or a decent knock-off) and some drying agent like silica gel.



The "Pelican" cases are really nice but very expensive.  But you can pick up used ones on Craig's List.  Contractors use them too for storing tools in.  Some pawn shops probably carry used ones too.

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Maybe you were just lucky, since silica gel will only be efficient if it gets dried frequently and stays in an airtight container with the lenses. 


If your lenses are dear to you, get decent Peli case knockoffs ( I use these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/B-w-International-Type-3000-Shipping-Case-Internal-Dimensions-13-Width-X-6-/391565466053?hash=item5b2b1ed9c5:g:ZRwAAOSwI3RW~ITi ) and add silica gel with a color indicator that tells you when to dried it again.


A second-hand Peli case might not be the best solution if the seals got damaged by heavy use.


If you want to enjoy them on display, you may need more of an effort: have someone make a kind of 'aquarium' for you with an airtight door and add silica again (might not be needed in Vegas).

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