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I've been using fast 35mm primes as my main lens for a few years now and the Voigtlander 35/1.2 always intrigued me as it is the fastest 35mm that I knew of, so a soon as the a7R was introduced I knew it was time own one.


The a7R didn't last long however, as a low light shooter it just wasn't the right camera for me plus I didn't like how it demoted my legacy lenses to pieces of junk. Luckily Sony didn't wait long to provide me with the perfect escape route out of an otherwise bad investment in the form of the amazing a7S, a long awaited mirrorless successor of my beloved D3s (what a beast that was).


The Voigtlander 35/1.2 is an awesome and unique lens, the way it renders the out of focus background wide-open is just stunning as is the smooth transition from sharp to the out of focus zone. Wide open there is a nice glow which gives this lens some character which aids in the smooth boke, that said I would like my main lens to be a bit sharper and contrasty wide-open for some extra pop so I'm secretly eyeballing the 35/1.4 FE.


Mugshots with the iPhone 5 and the Hipstamatic app (my other camera):





Here's a couple of images I took in Montenegro last year on a one week photo trip with my Nikon buddies, they gracefully allowed to me to tag along with my first Sony ;) All images where shot wide open at f/1.2 on the a7R.








And one with the a7S from a local museum in Amsterdam, haven't used this combo much but vignetting is a lot better than on the R:


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I have this lens too and I use it on the a7.


I agree that the performance at f/1.2 is not overly exciting from a purely academic perspective. It has a "look" but I tend to use it only in particular situations. With a bit of patience in post results can be very good though, and at f/1.4 it already improves considerably (also bokeh-wise).


In fact, I love the rendering between f/1.4-4; at smaller apertures it becomes super sharp but loses a lot of character. 


It's a special lens that portraits people (and to some extent landscapes) in a very delicate and charming way. The build quality is so good that every time it's a pleasure to handle and use it.

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This lens is best used with the Voigtlander Close adapter. Your close focus goes beyond anything you've experience before. Also it's in color that this lens shines and in color that one can evaluate such wide aperture lenses.
It's my main combo in my work.

Some examples in color.



Best wishes


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This lens is best used with the Voigtlander Close adapter. Your close focus goes beyond anything you've experience before. 

Yes and no, yes it will allow me to get more creative with the closer focus but no I don't like to weigh down a 500 gram camera with another 90 gram all the time if I don't have to.


So, I usually have the lightweight (30 grams) and butter smooth Novoflex adapter mounted and the Voigtlander Close Focus adapter (120 grams) in the front pocket of my camera bag for when I need it.


Thanks for contributing btw :)

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I have this lens on an A7 with VM-E Close Focus adapter and I have to admit it's THE BEST lens I ever had. I always have best images whatever aperture and light conditions, with minimal post treatment in Lightroom. It's quite a heavy lens but would never trade it. Here are some samples of mine ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...



Sorry for images, had to clean some things here...

Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/598kxxozizxxkq0/AAC4m_qx6vqdfSpGEP7xBY0va?dl=0



Well, mine is for sale ;)


Couldn't resist the 35/1.4 FE, wouldn't mind owning both but can't justify doing so.


I don't agree with this. For me sensation and results of a manual Voigtlander or Leica and an autofocus Sony lens can't be compared. You should keep them both, it's a real pleasure to be able to switch from one to another according to what you want to shoot or the result you expect. One can't replace the other even if technical specifications are the same (1.2 / 35 and 1.4 / 35). This Nokton is a master lens, really close to what you can get with a Leica Summilux, no autofocus can give you these results.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had mine delivered yesterday.  

Haven’t had a chance to play with it yet.

Yeah, wellll ... a REAL enthusiast

woulda called in sick, and posted

some pix awready !


OK, maybe you're a firefighter, or

an ER doc. But post pix tomorrow :-)



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Here is an example on a7s.


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  • 4 months later...

Yeah, wellll ... a REAL enthusiast

woulda called in sick, and posted

some pix awready !


OK, maybe you're a firefighter, or

an ER doc. But post pix tomorrow :-)



:-)  you’re right; that’s what I should’ve done.


Anyhoo, I am thinking of acquiring this one again.  Pics from me, for sure, if that happens.  

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    • The shutter is always open on mirrorless. The first or front curtain closing starts the picture taking process, the second or rear curtain completes it. There is no 'shutter slit' That's why your A7 IV has the option to close the shutter on power-down. Shooting electronic shutter is handled 100% by the processor telling the camera when to start saving what the sensor sees and when to stop, in simple terms. I've shot SLR, DSLR, SLT, and mirrorless, and mirrorless is by far the best. I shoot film from time to time and still have a couple of old DSLRS, a Minolta Maxxum 5D and a Sony A350. I have gotten to seriously dislike optical viewfinders. I would never shoot SLT again. It may have been the predecessor to mirrorless, but it wasn't great technology.  The AF issue aside, I think you just need to spend more time with the mirrorless. I know a few guys who went back to DSLR for similar reasons, but they eventually ended up back in mirrorless. Since DSLR is going the way of the dinosaur, your options aren't many. Shoot older cameras or mirrorless.   
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    • Man, that stinks. I still wouldn't give up on settings though. Have you tried doing a factory reset and starting from scratch? What about all of the firmware updates on the camera?  One other thing, you say you're shooting f/4 and 1/5000. That's pretty quick. What kind of ISO does that result in? These cameras need light to AF so they can see contrasts. Have you tried dropping the shutter to 1/2000, or even 1/1600? You'll gain a couple stops of light to the sensor. 
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