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I tested the Contax G 90/2.8 on the A7r, compared to the Minolta AF 100/2.0

I hope Zeiss will soon make a Loxia version of that lens.




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I own both the 90 f2,8 and the 45mm. I used both a few times and are very good lenses.

I see a difference in colour with the contax lens. have theyr own cast.

I put a metabones adapter on each of them to change lens fast, and got an Autofocus adapter that works apparently better (faster)than a Canon lens adapted.

The autofocus adapter fails to connect sometimes and needs to do it again. I´ll pay more for a better quialiy one if it exists.

is not faster but works, it takes a second or two to focus but it is easy than the manual adapter.

My camera was an A7 MKI and I sold it a week ago. I would like to position again with a better body before investing more in that mount.

So I own loads of old different lens waiting for a decision on follow the Sony way or return to Canon stuff.

I did not follow the 28mm adapt route. 28mm is boring to me.

I preffer the Minolta 28mm adapted or any other lens.

the 35mm is not on my list as I use a summicron instead.

I hope Sony launch a new model with a better "angle" sensor.

Friends with the contax system are asking me about to buy a Sony A7--XXXX body.

I am going to pass them that review. Thanks for posting.

All the best to you.

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