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I shoot interiors, mainly for realtors, and bought an a7 so I could use my Canon 17-40 lens with.  My Fotodiox adapter has some major flare issues.  I flocked the inside with Edmund Optics flocking paper, but saw only moderate improvement.  Does anyone have experience with the Metabones T smart adapter?  I heard that one, mark iv version, was supposed to eliminate flare.


This is quite frustrating, and I know it's not Sony's fault, but it really makes me want to go back to shooting all Canon.

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Why not sell that lens and go native? It's not the greatest lens by Canon anyway, and the Sony 18-35 is really good.


You're referring to the 16-35 I'm assuming?  If so, it's way too expensive.  I've kind of noticed that in general with Sony lenses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The metabones is quite expensive...

If you're gonna spend that money you could just look for a used 16-35... It has great reviews and is much better than the 17-40

16-35 is way too expensive...my 17-40 with the metabones is delivering killer images for me.

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