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Had the camera for a month or so now. This is my fist short video with it where I played around with 100fps and a load of levels/grading etc.


Recorded during a brief training session whilst at work so I had to shoot bits as I could rather than take my time and devote myself fully to filming. Thoughts and critique welcome


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That was good!! I think your shots and scenes were all consistent. I really like how you used the drone, use of drone really adds to a film. Looks like it's a commercial!


For critique there were only three things I noticed. Use a higher resolution for your Twitter logo, I saw it jagged at 1080p, compared to everything else. It might be just my screen and I'm sorry if it is, but at 19 sec it looks a little too bright on the bright end of the light. Oh, and I don't know how to do this, but I saw a film on youtube on how to remove dust spots in post on film, if you have a consistent background. This technique would have worked for your drone shadow going across the grass, but realistically who cares, unless someone is paying you to do the job. 


I really liked your film, keep up the good work.

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Cheers snowfun - It was all slo-mo except the drone shots. I hear where you are coming from - I had shot very little at 100fps before so considered this a bit of a slo-mo project. But yes, I will mix and match slo-mo and regular speed in future efforts now I have got the 100fps out of my system so to speak!

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I think 50/25 or 60/30 often provide adequate slomo but without the sense of dragging back time I get with >100fps and above. Excellent for some shots (bumble bees trying to land look superb on the 1000fps rx1004) but not to be overdone!

Looking forward to a "day in the life of" the crew...

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Looking forward to a "day in the life of" the crew...

Had you noticed a lack of faces in the shoot? They all hate being on film! So to avoid bullying them with the camera I assured them their faces wouldn't be on film ;)


I suppose I could use the same tack next time.

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