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Hey all, I'm looking at getting a faster 50mm prime primarily for night time street photography.

I had a few questions in regards to faster lenses.

Is it worth getting a 1.4 or faster lens, or would it be better to just add a stop or two of ISO to compensate the difference between say 1.4 and 1.8?


I have been looking at manual super takumar 50mm 1.4 or possibly even the 1.2.

And the voigtlander 1.1


Anyone have any thoughts as to what you use or better yet any experience with the takumar's for night street photography?


Apart from the fact my depth of field will get shallower and hence make it harder to accurately focus fast especially at night


Thanks in advance!


Any pictures welcome!

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Just received mine tonight.

It's great, but I retract my advice as a tool for street. It would be just too difficult to focus that thin...a moving subject at 0.95 would be a lucky-dip at best.

I just posted my first personal tests, from around the house in no light.

No real "photography" yet but you can have a look. The images "feel" fantastic, even with bland subjects and no practice with such a thin DOF. I can see already that it really does have some Noctilux flavor 

I'll try and get some more interesting shots on the weekend.


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    • The shutter is always open on mirrorless. The first or front curtain closing starts the picture taking process, the second or rear curtain completes it. There is no 'shutter slit' That's why your A7 IV has the option to close the shutter on power-down. Shooting electronic shutter is handled 100% by the processor telling the camera when to start saving what the sensor sees and when to stop, in simple terms. I've shot SLR, DSLR, SLT, and mirrorless, and mirrorless is by far the best. I shoot film from time to time and still have a couple of old DSLRS, a Minolta Maxxum 5D and a Sony A350. I have gotten to seriously dislike optical viewfinders. I would never shoot SLT again. It may have been the predecessor to mirrorless, but it wasn't great technology.  The AF issue aside, I think you just need to spend more time with the mirrorless. I know a few guys who went back to DSLR for similar reasons, but they eventually ended up back in mirrorless. Since DSLR is going the way of the dinosaur, your options aren't many. Shoot older cameras or mirrorless.   
    • Maybe could help but I doubt that the camera will drive the lenses better. from fw 3.2 the AF was spectacular even with the Minolta 80-200, not even close to a77ii but i was expecting it to be quite lackluster. It was snappy and tracked cars moving at 30kmh towards me without an issue. It was when I updated to 4.0 when I felt like i had to get the Sigma lens, which offers roughly the same experience: good autofocus on slow objects, stays in place or back focused (especially back focusing) most of the shots. I've tried to see if you can downgrade the firmware, but I've seen negative results. ISO1250 and that's overexposed, iso800 and the detail remains. could be, since it's no SLT either you also need the shutter slit to be wide enough to let the sensor do autofocus. all in all I believe mirrorless cameras are a step back from dslr and SLT cameras The SLT A99II has proven to be the best autofocusing camera in the world and it still is, it's just that the gimmick of the mirrorless cameras can detect the eye of the subject and promise to obtain better action portraits because they focus on the eye or cockpit of the subject. Because of this I was going to go full onto the A7CII but when I read it can only do 1/4000 and has a single shutter curtain I really felt like that was two fundamental deal breakers. The lack of joystick also made me quack off but the A7IV joystick isn't joyful either, all in all I have realized that going from the A77II to the a7iv had just a single point for which was clear photos at iso 3200, because everything else is a serious downgrade: the battery life, the ergonomics, the button layout, the autofocus responsiveness, the shutter cycle duration (3ms for A77II and 5ms for A7IV) etc. I wanted an A99II (thus paying only half of what I had to pay to convert to E mount) but all the ones I've seen were outside the EU or in poor condition.
    • Man, that stinks. I still wouldn't give up on settings though. Have you tried doing a factory reset and starting from scratch? What about all of the firmware updates on the camera?  One other thing, you say you're shooting f/4 and 1/5000. That's pretty quick. What kind of ISO does that result in? These cameras need light to AF so they can see contrasts. Have you tried dropping the shutter to 1/2000, or even 1/1600? You'll gain a couple stops of light to the sensor. 
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