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Hi, im a Nikon user coming from the Holy Trinity 14-24-70-200 and switched fully to Sony (lost my D800, lets not get to how) and im thinking going all Prime this time.

So far i have

Sony A7ii

Zeiss 55mm 1.8 (General)

Rokinon 85mm 1.4 (Portrait)

Sony 28-70 (Event)


So im looking for a wider Prime between 20-35mm.

Something that is good but im cheap (college student), and already spent my life saving on the other lens. Maybe nothing over $200?

And i dont care if i have to manual focus(been very fun on the Sony A7ii) so im thinking:

Sony 28mm 2.0 (Perfect but again, expensive at $450)

Nikon 35mm 1.4 (Old and Gold but at ~$300)

Nikon 35mm 2.0 ($100, perfect?)

Nikon 24mm 2.8

The reason with Nikon is because i already got an adapter for it.


What do u guy think?

Anyone else got a better idea or option? Thanks

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There are quite a few options out here, I'll comment on a few that I use or I've used personally.



35mm: Forget the 35/1.4; at full aperture it was soft by modern standards even on a Canon 5D mk II (21Mp). And if you have to use it at f/2 anyway then it is much better the Nikon Nikkor-O non-Ai 35/2 that goes for 60/70€. Same optics as the Ai version (less capable coating, though), just not usable on Nikon cameras without an Ai-conversion (that is why is cheaper). If you use it on the Sony you simply need not to worry about Ai, Ai-s etc.

20mm: If you want wider, I've been really happy on the 5D mk II with the old Nikon 20/3.5 UD. It is way smaller than it looks in the pictures, and quite sharp and contrasty even at the borders (on that sensor! the A7 might perform differently even if being an SLR lens it shouldn't give many troubles). For mine I paid around 100€.

24 and 28: I've used the 24/2.8 AF and the 28/3.5 Ai years ago, on a D70 (just 6Mp), so even if they looked sharp I can't really comment on them. But at least the 24 it looks it should be a fine lens based on reviews I've read.


Olympus OM

24: Pretty sharp across the frame on the A7r (a tad less than the Minolta 24 MC, though that costs quite a bit more). Roughly 70€ + 10€ for the adapter

28/2.8 and 3.5: Both the same as the 24, just usually much cheaper. f/2.8 probably half the price of the 24, f/3.5 as sharp as the f/2.8 with just 1/3 of a stop less and for maybe 15/20€


If I were you I'd go with Nikon, not just because you've already got the adapter but more importantly because Nikon (and Pentax, incidentally) lenses focus the "wrong way" compared to all other manufacturers'. So if you switch back and forth is a pain in the..., that is btw the reason why I got rid of all my remaining Nikon glass (I prefer Contax).

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