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I've bought a new a7 iii with a kit lenses 28-70 f3.5-5.6 , but issuing some problems with auto focus. When I'm taking a photo, I can see the camera focused on a face/eyes, but when checking the resulting photos on a laptop, I can see the faces are blurred a little bit.

And if I'm taking the photo with the ruler, I can see a front focus.

I can't find any information about this issue, everyone telling me it's impossible on a mirrorles cameras. And I can't understand, is it a lenses problem, or camera. Because I don't have another lenses to check.

Maybe someone had a similar problem?

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Edited by virtel
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Well, I wouldn't say it's impossible with a mirrorless camera, but unlike DSLRs there is no microfocus adjustment, because without the mirror and optical viewfinder, the second focus point is eliminated. 

Your picture does indeed appear the be front focused. You say you don't have another lens. Do you have:

Another camera on which you can try this lens?

A friend with a camera and lens for testing?

A camera store near you that would let you test?

Lastly, you say you've bought a "New Kit". Is it literally new, or just new to you? If it's brand new, the obvious answer is to exchange it for another one. 

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I don't have another lenses or camera. Because it's my first Sony camera, I was using Nikon before.

Yes, it's a brand new camera, bought online. And I don't know, should I send all the kit back, or just lenses.

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54 minutes ago, virtel said:

I don't have another lenses or camera. Because it's my first Sony camera, I was using Nikon before.

Yes, it's a brand new camera, bought online. And I don't know, should I send all the kit back, or just lenses.

If it came as a kit, then the entire thing needs to go back. No one can diagnose what's causing the problem over the internet. Your best bet is to contact the place you bought it from and let them tell you what you need to do. 

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