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Video With the Sony Fx30 at 120 fps

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So i have this Sony Fx30 and i looked into shooting 119 / 120 fps, now With the Sony Camera i notice that if you shoot in doors and use Lights to light your scene, the normal Shutter speed is lousy it causes flicker, so i turned on the Anti-Flicker and set my Fps to 60 and then the shutter speed to 119.9 for 30 fps i used 59.95 and that takes care of the flicker i don't seen banding or light flickering.
How ever if i shoot at 120P and set the Sutter to 239.9 i get flicker, or even if 240 shutter speed i still get flicker..
Not sure if there is a magic number that works with 120fps for a shutter speed, and if any one knows i would like to hear it..




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