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First: Lesson # 1 - learn your (my) camera!


I own an A6000 and 90% of my shooting is Aperture Priority. When attempting to shoot the Blood Moon last week, I could not focus. First I keep forgeting I recently set BBF - so it ain't focusing until 'I push the button'. However, my post has to do with going manual. After playing in the dark I realized I don't know how to go Manual focus and more. Then I see when searching the web ah ha ... there is Focus Peaking.


If a member can be so kind to suggest a link or links to understand manual and when it serves best - please share.

If a member has a series of steps they use to go manaul - please share.



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Download the PDF manual.


Also get a big independently

written bible for your camera.


It's possible you should get a

book on basic photography. It

doesn't matter if it's so old

that it's from the film days.


You need to grasp the function

and rationale behind the basic

controls before you go turning

them on in your Sony. What's

the point in finding out how to

turn on stuff you can't use ?



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Golem, have you read the manual? It's actually more than useless ;-) 


The best thing Sony produces is a Help Guide:





Its all there, or you can just Google like everyone else and find the answer in a UTube video in 3 or 4 minutes.

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Golem, have you read the manual? It's actually more than useless ;-) 


The best thing Sony produces is a Help Guide:





Its all there, or you can just Google like everyone else and find the answer in a UTube video in 3 or 4 minutes.

Maybe the PDF I downloaded is the "Help Guide".

It's the larger of all the PDFs they offer, altho I've

downloaded them all anywho. At any rate any user

should down load the BIG PDF ... it's quite useful ...

whatever its actual title may be [now I will go look].


OK I went looked at my files. This is the larger doc:




It's smaller by file size but larger by page count.

Dunno HOW that goes .... but it's 257 pages and the

larger file size is only 100 pages.


And for any rather new noobs I continue to strongly

suggest any one [or two] of the 3rd party bibles.

Some are very in-depth about the one specific camera

while others are more of a broader course in digital

photography bundled [in one single book] with the

particulars for that one camera [sort of a cut and

paste way for the author to make more books without

much new material]. If you know your photography but

your new camera is making you nutz, avoid the latter

type of book ... not as thorough on the camera itself.





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