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This is my first time writing in the forum, but it seems to be a great place to get some help. I recently got a helios 44 as a gift from my girlfriend, however, the adapter that I bought to adapt it doesn't seem to be working as it can't acquire focus (I imagine it's not the correct flange distance). Any help would be greatly appreciated! I leave some pictures here, it's the silver one. 

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Is it M42 or M39? M42 was used for SLR cameras, M39 for rangefinders. But some early Helios 44 SLR lenses came with M39 screw mount but used the same flange distance as M42. If this is one of those lenses, then a regular M39 (or LTM) adapter (which is relatively thin) will not work. You need one that's as thick as an M42 adapter but with M39 thread.

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Ok, that clears up some of the confusion. Do you know somewhere I might get this or how to describe the adapter?


Assuming miran is right, you would need a "m39 to Sony E mount" adapter. The problem is that all m39>Sony E adapters will be the kind made for "normal" m39 lenses, i.e. with the wrong flange distance for your particular lens because they are made for rangefinder lenses.


It will be probably easier to just buy an "m39 to m42 adapter" like this one:


Leica M39 Lens to M42 Pentax screw mount 39mm to 42mm step up screw adapter ring


...and then pair it with a normal "m42 to Sony E mount" adapter:


M42 M 42 Screw Lens for Sony NEX E Mount NEX-5 NEX-3 NEX-VG10 Lens Adapter DSLR


If all the tolerances play nicely with each other (they should) you will be able to properly focus to infinity.

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