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Good test, your conclusion is what I always have felt about legacy 50mm 1.2 lenses, overrated... A nice 50 1.4 would do "just as good" for pennys compared to the 1.2 copies. I have the speedmaster 50 0.95 lens for shooting wide open, but I hardly use it because of the weight and size.

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Great effort, I really appreciate your information since I still have the 55mm Aspherical to collect, but seems like it just has mainly the collection value. I really love the 50L with the same reasons as you mentioned and I feel it's more sturdy in my hand than the f1.4. Maybe I'm a lucky buyer since I got my 50L for about $350. One more test would be great if you do is comparing the CA control, which I guess where the Aspherical lens is a bit better. That's what I observed with my FD85L and Aspherical version.

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Good to hear you like the review.
Part 2 is up now, with some real world comparison shots.




I did a quick side-by-side in Lightroom of the test on the table. Looking at the chrome edges of the Hasselblad. The 55 Aspherical has better CA control, the 50L is a close second.
You can find the fullres images at my Flickr page.

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