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Hello everyone.  I'm new here and have been using Sony DSLR cameras for about 15 years.  I started with an A300 for mostly work related stuff (documentation) dropped it and bought an A58 for the same purpose; and got a A65 for hobbyist stuff.  My A65 got wet a while back (Oct 2019) in a rain storm and quit working.  At the time, I didn't have a lot of money to spend so I purchased a used A77V camera body.  It works okay but has more "buttons" than I had become accustomed to. The A65 dried out months later and now is functioning.   Now the question....

I notice a yellow cast on many of my images taken with the A65 and A77.  Is it purely because I am in bright light or do I need to adjust the white balance.  I notice my "greens" aren't as green as I would expect.  So, any suggestions?  I'm a bit hesitant to do any adjusting with the white balance.

Photography wise.... I am into landscapes wildlife photography or generally nature photography.



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