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Back to normal view after adjusting focus?

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There is one thing that is bothering me and that is trying to get back to normal view after adjusting the focus on the lens.
Lets say I want to focus on a specific object. I will then have to turn on the outer portion on my lens (if I'm in manual mode, of course). When you look at the screen it will automatically zoom in a bit. But how do I zoom out to the normal view without pressing the record button or even toughing the lens? Hope my explanation make sense :)

Thank you very much!



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You can disable the auto zoom in menu, it's called 'MF assist' on my a6500 (I've disabled mine and use a custom button to magnify as I really dislike being thrown out of my composition while manually focussing).

For some reason on my a6500, if you disable MF assist and magnify with a custom button, you can use the center wheel button to zoom back to normal. With MF assist enabled however it will only let you switch between the two magnification options. Not sure how that is on an A7x-camera.

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