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Will have to wait until real users get their hands on the new a7rii to see some raw images posted for us to download and hear about any bugs in the new cam, but here is a short list of the things keeping me from pre ordering what looks like is going to be a great camera.


1. Sony still needs to let us customize a button to toggle between lcd and viewfinder.. I used to own an olympus omd and they have a button for doing exactly that.

Sure i know i can go into menu and turn on either auto , lcd, or viewfinder and i actually do and leave it on viewfinder to save on battery power but when someone wants to see a shot on my camera i have to say hold on and look through the viewfinder and push the menu button scroll to find the function and turn auto back on.. just a pain when all we need is a customizable button to toggle....


2. I still want uncompressed raw...........   right now  raw is not raw and to prove my point when you change your color mode from say standard to vivid or landscape, neutral, and take some shots a true raw file will be unaffected by this change and just be a raw file but on my a6000 and a7ii the raw file color changes when i use different modes?


3. better high iso,,,,

I know that the a7rii is supposed to be great as sony says and the native iso has been boosted to 25,600 and expandable but i am still going to believe that this only means that somewhere between 3200 and 4000 is going to be the max you can use if you want really clean files.... will have to wait and see!

My a6000 is awesome in good light but noise higher then 400 iso.... My a7ii is good up to 1600 so if sony manages to let us push to 6400 on the a7rii and have clean files i will be very exited.

My opinion is that the a7rii is not going to be anywhere near the a7s for high iso thats just a fact and my guess is that sony will make an a7sii model using this BSI sensor and be able to double the pixel count to 24mp and still keep the crazy good high iso the same on the current a7s... will have to wait and see but thats my guess.


Whats your thoughts on what else is missing or keeping you from pre ordering the a7rii???

Or are you pre ordering?

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I'm not preordering the A7r2 simply because I'm still happy with the A7s & A72. Might add an A6000 because of the smaller size (& sell the A72?).

I don't know what's 'missing' (the glib answer is internal raw 4k to cfast) from the new camera but I do know that there is not enough to tempt me to move yet.

It certainly demonstrates Sony's ability to keep releasing exciting & innovative gear.


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For your point 1:


With the A7R II you actually WILL be able to set one of the custom buttons to Finder/Monitor Toggle!


Source: http://briansmith.com/field-test-sony-a7rii/  

Look in the section about Custom Buttons. Quote: "Yup, Deactivate Monitor AND Finder/Monitor Select can be assigned to Custom Buttons!"


And yes, I really wanted that feature too! :D

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Will have to wait until real users get their hands on the new a7rii to see some raw images posted for us to download and hear about any bugs in the new cam, but here is a short list of the things keeping me from pre ordering what looks like is going to be a great camera.


1. Sony still needs to let us customize a button to toggle between lcd and viewfinder.. I used to own an olympus omd and they have a button for doing exactly that.

Sure i know i can go into menu and turn on either auto , lcd, or viewfinder and i actually do and leave it on viewfinder to save on battery power but when someone wants to see a shot on my camera i have to say hold on and look through the viewfinder and push the menu button scroll to find the function and turn auto back on.. just a pain when all we need is a customizable button to toggle....


2. I still want uncompressed raw...........   right now  raw is not raw and to prove my point when you change your color mode from say standard to vivid or landscape, neutral, and take some shots a true raw file will be unaffected by this change and just be a raw file but on my a6000 and a7ii the raw file color changes when i use different modes?


3. better high iso,,,,

I know that the a7rii is supposed to be great as sony says and the native iso has been boosted to 25,600 and expandable but i am still going to believe that this only means that somewhere between 3200 and 4000 is going to be the max you can use if you want really clean files.... will have to wait and see!

My a6000 is awesome in good light but noise higher then 400 iso.... My a7ii is good up to 1600 so if sony manages to let us push to 6400 on the a7rii and have clean files i will be very exited.

My opinion is that the a7rii is not going to be anywhere near the a7s for high iso thats just a fact and my guess is that sony will make an a7sii model using this BSI sensor and be able to double the pixel count to 24mp and still keep the crazy good high iso the same on the current a7s... will have to wait and see but thats my guess.


1. Not a bad idea

2. This will be a Firmware update and is a silly reason to not get an A7RII

3. Not sure what you require but in my testing I found the A7II to be usable to 12000


Just my opinion.

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1. Not a bad idea

2. This will be a Firmware update and is a silly reason to not get an A7RII

3. Not sure what you require but in my testing I found the A7II to be usable to 12000


Just my opinion.

May be for some but not silly to me until sony releases that firmware. I have seen weird little artifacts in my raw files that i don't think would be there if sony wasn't compressing the files and they were uncompressed. I have shot canon and nikon with the latter being my favorite camera's and the d810 the best i have ever shot with and wouldn't have switched systems but was ready for a lighter package, getting tired of carrying all the heavy glass and huge RRS tripod to rest it on. The d810 i was able to use 6400 ISO tops and wouldn't go any higher for myself. If you are satisfied with 12000 on your a7ii thats great but not me, i like clean files looking at them 100% in post and have found 1600 to be my max on my a7ii. If Sony is able to get what Nikon can get out of their own sensors ISO wise on this new a7rii i will purchase one myself... 

Once it hits the shelves i may rent one and see, and the only other thing i hope is solved is the reflections on the sensor? 


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When I had my Nikons I could never tell the difference between NEF and compressed NEF RAW except for the file size. I think your camera might be adding instructions to the RAW file when you change scene settings. Also, what software are you using to open the RAW file?

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I hesitate to pre-order simply because you will

be paying MSRP. Will wait until the price falls

some. Seems silly to pay full retail.

Not silly at all, if you have need of this model

and will be giving it plenty of exercise during

the months before discounting begins.


If one year from now it's $600 cheaper, with no

price drop before that, then you have rented it

for $50/month for one year as compared to

waiting one year to get a cheaper price.


Thaz a pretty cheap monthly rate, but you rent it

every month for a year, never skipping a month

or two or more. If you have that much use for it,

then there is no benefit in waiting a year to see

a $600 price drop.


Numbers above are not exact, just a guestimate,

but the concept applies no matter what the actual

figures might be.



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At the end of the day, we only live once, being creative is the highest revelation of any human endeavour within this infinite void we exist in, and it is only money, it comes it goes, just go pre order it and enjoy the sweat whilst waiting and the rush when it arrives, then take your new soni cam out and have your way with it to your hearts content, thats worth more then money anyways.


P.s. Cheapest i have seen it on pre order for is $3774 au, sony aus has listed for 4500$ au, i'm very tempted.

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As a wedding photography I was seriously considering going all Sony mirrorless which would have been 2 Sony a7rII's keep my Canon glass add some Sony or Zeiss glass but one thing is stopping me NO dual card slots Really Sony you have full Frame mirrorless camera with pro specs and amazing low light capability and no dual slots! 

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I shoot a99. More precisely two of them. My main work is ballet photography and my typical shoot is in average between 4000-12000 ISO range. So, Im following the developments with utmost care. I'm waiting for a99IIs. Low megapixel, high ISO, fast PDAF camera. I agree, that A7RII changed a picture. New on-sensor PDAF can control a-mount lenses (I got 300mm f2.8, 70-200GII, selection of Zeiss ZA glass etc...). Using mirrorless adapter, with no light loss, using new advanced AF looks promising, but I still prefer aBody. And I prefer less pixels for faster operation, better ISO and better battery life. So in my ideal dream, Sony will make A7RII type BSI sensor with 16 or 24MP and put it into aBody, minus translucent mirror. Plan B is to wait A7III or A7SII with BSI and a-mount lens compatible PDAF. I already bought LAEA3 to be prepared.

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What about a7s2?^

The dual slot issue is un forgivable, even if it was a second slot for micro sd even. I wonder if you could design an sd card that is a holder/adapter for 2 micro sds in 1 normal sd card size & record to both?


It never hurts to wait if your a pro i imagine, not wise to rush in if your getting paid to create, you can't have shortcomings for that i imagine, or i wouldn't want to.


It will be cheaper in 6 months anyway and by then we will know all there is to know most likely, if it is a hobby sure, jump in, can't go wrong if expectations are not at pro level.


Doesn't mean one couldn't do pro quality work with it though, but there is a pressure/expectation difference associated with being paid versus leisure.

Then again, how did pros work 20-30 years ago with analogs???


Good to hear new members thoughts and thanks for joining & posting, the forum is really coming alive just about now for some strange reason, good one. ;)


P.s. I heard on sonyrumours that they are addressing the 11bit raw issue soon.


I don't pixel peep but hey, il have it @14 if they can do it, who wouldn't!! :lol:

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I agree that all 3 would be nice improvements but for me, the uncompressed RAW would be a deal breaker.  Not even sure why that is an issue in today's day and age as most enthusiasts and pros would like to squeeze every last drop out of a file if needed.  This should have been a Sony priority from the first versions of the series.

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I am not pre-ordering the A7RII until it's been tested thoroughly by those who have the time. I've spent several years on the bleeding edge of MF digital photography--eeking out the greatest resolution with crazy expensive glass (practically going broke doing so). The current A7R beats my MF hands down for speed and use, but I'm hesitant to let go of my MF rig.


Clients love the dog and pony show. Unveiling a MF technical camera elicits oohs and ahhs from a client. but the client leaves I'll shoot with the A7R. As an image maker I always strive for th best image quality for the task at hand. Productivity increases with the Sony A7R and I don't see a much higher increase with the A7RII.


I would change my tune in a heartbeat if Sony did realize a multi-shot mode for increased resolution as the Olympus does. Sinar and Hasselblad have offered this for years and for certain applications this is invaluable.


Lastly, I've been hoping for a better multiple exposure app for light painting applications. That shouldn't be too hard to do. I suppose a firmware update could manage this, and if so, I would immediately get the A7RII.

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I would love to have the A7r II! What is stopping me from buying it now is the price. I do think it is worth the asking price but not for me. IMO, having 4K video is a big part of why it costs as much as it does and I have absolutely ZERO interest in video. Also, after selling my A7r I felt burnt by how much value it had lost in such a short period of time and I bought it when it first came out. I just bought an A7 II used and I've decided that I will wait until I can get one used for substantially less or I may end up getting something different like the A9 or other future Sony release. As for now, I hope to be happy with the A7 II and get a ton of use out of it for as long as possible. I'm tired of losing so much money to depreciation which is completely my fault because I have been upgrading way too often.



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I would love to have the A7r II! What is stopping me from buying it now is the price. I do think it is worth the asking price but not for me. IMO, having 4K video is a big part of why it costs as much as it does and I have absolutely ZERO interest in video. Also, after selling my A7r I felt burnt by how much value it had lost in such a short period of time and I bought it when it first came out. I just bought an A7 II used and I've decided that I will wait until I can get one used for substantially less or I may end up getting something different like the A9 or other future Sony release. As for now, I hope to be happy with the A7 II and get a ton of use out of it for as long as possible. I'm tired of losing so much money to depreciation which is completely my fault because I have been upgrading way too often.



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Excellent points!

I have the a7ii and the a6000. If the a7ii would have been without the antialiasing filter i think i would like it even more.. Coming from a nikon d810 i am spoiled by the sharpness and fine detail from that camera but i really needed to shed some weight (hence) my move to mirrorless...

I also hope sony or third party manu will design some nice "small" lenses for the e-mount full frame in the future because if they start making huge 2.8 glass it will defeat the purpose of my move,,, i want light, small, and extreme resolution LOL..

Is that too much to ask for?

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I actually do not think the price that unreasonable - when compared to other pro-spec cameras. 


I was prepared to plonk more down for a Leica Q until I actually tried one this week (which is another topic altogether).


I probably will eventually purchase an A7RII but as I already own an A7R and an A7S I'll wait until either the price moves down significantly (like with the current A7R price) or they become available second hand, which is how I managed to pick up my A7R.


Also, there is some very nice glass on its way, e.g. the BATIS primes and investing in glass should always be a higher priority. Camera bodies will come and go but your glass collection should be a much longer term investment.


Just my two cents.



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Waiting for mirrorless A-mount.

Oh, me too...

BSI sensor, no semi-translucent mirror and 24MP. Fast, usable 25 600 ISO. But please make body bigger to make room for bigger pro battery or integrated grip for two batteries. 

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It's a very expensive camera and I'm starting to wonder how much of the cost is in video 'features' that I'll never use.    It's called 'bundling' - we can't get the latest sensor/IBIS technologies without buying a very pricey 'bundle' including 4K video. And I have zero interest in 4K video.


I think I'm off the bus at this point, until Sony breaks this out into a full line.  

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So long as it shoots stellar still images, you could always rationalise the great video too as a kind of free benefit thats handy to have on top of?



@Jag=upgrade envy, it gets me too, the corporations ALWAYS leave something out or retard a couple of features :angry: , its a tried and true marketing strategy, of course they can do whatever technically, but they never will all at once, like 1  card slot, honestly, how hard is it :rolleyes: ?


ive been researching medium format lately im so greedy for resolution, the pentax 645z and the blads etc. talk about expensive.

Now if sony had done something like that but in say a7x size or not much bigger, ok, im dreaming, 


I had a geezer at some m/f files online the other day, oh, the detail and presence.wow.

They sound like real fudge buckets to shoot handheld though in anything but bright light.


Still, betting 42mpx ff will be nothing to sneeze at though. :P  ;)

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    • The shutter is always open on mirrorless. The first or front curtain closing starts the picture taking process, the second or rear curtain completes it. There is no 'shutter slit' That's why your A7 IV has the option to close the shutter on power-down. Shooting electronic shutter is handled 100% by the processor telling the camera when to start saving what the sensor sees and when to stop, in simple terms. I've shot SLR, DSLR, SLT, and mirrorless, and mirrorless is by far the best. I shoot film from time to time and still have a couple of old DSLRS, a Minolta Maxxum 5D and a Sony A350. I have gotten to seriously dislike optical viewfinders. I would never shoot SLT again. It may have been the predecessor to mirrorless, but it wasn't great technology.  The AF issue aside, I think you just need to spend more time with the mirrorless. I know a few guys who went back to DSLR for similar reasons, but they eventually ended up back in mirrorless. Since DSLR is going the way of the dinosaur, your options aren't many. Shoot older cameras or mirrorless.   
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    • Man, that stinks. I still wouldn't give up on settings though. Have you tried doing a factory reset and starting from scratch? What about all of the firmware updates on the camera?  One other thing, you say you're shooting f/4 and 1/5000. That's pretty quick. What kind of ISO does that result in? These cameras need light to AF so they can see contrasts. Have you tried dropping the shutter to 1/2000, or even 1/1600? You'll gain a couple stops of light to the sensor. 
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