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A6500 Manual Focal Length


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Greetings all. I am new here and am a potential a6500 owner and am coming from a Lumix Gx7.  When I currently attach a manual lens I get a popup that says that I am currently set for XXXmm would I like to change it? I find this very handy as it prevents me from forgetting to do so and losing the IBIS benefit.  Does the a6500 (or any Alpha) have a similar feature or do I just need to look every time.





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Greetings all. I am new here and am a potential a6500 owner and am

coming from a Lumix Gx7.  When I currently attach a manual lens I get

a popup that says that I am currently set for XXXmm would I like to

change it? I find this very handy as it prevents me from forgetting to do

so and losing the IBIS benefit.  Does the a6500 (or any Alpha) have a

similar feature or do I just need to look every time.


Mebbe with M43 "manual lens" usually means a noncoupled 

lens built with an M43 mount ? Rather than an adapted lens ? 

I just don't know the customs on Planet M43. But the concept 

of a pop-up FL reminder works better for manual lenses built 

with the M43 mount than for lenses on adapters.   


I do know the customs on Planet E-mount. My a7 Mk-II does 

NOT query me as to FL of noncoupled lenses. I hafta inform 

the IBIS manually, and form a reliable habit of remembering  

to do so. That habit is more effective than a pop-up reminder  

given the customs here on Plant E-mount.   


While there are some noncoupled manual lenses built to fit

directly onto E-mount cameras, those are the distinctly small 

minority of manual lenses. The large majority are adapted old

SLR and Leica M-mount lenses. The common use pattern is 

to buy an adapter to make use of the lenses still on hand from 

your old film camera or your obsolete digital SLR. This results 

in needing only one adapter cuz all your lenses use the same 

mount. This would defeat the pop-up reminder cuz you'd tend 

to leave the adapter mounted while changing only the lenses 

mounted to the front of that adapter ... which, seems to me, is

not gonna trigger any pop-ups cuz the camera can't "know" if

you're changing lenses while leaving the adapter in place.   


Acoarst the other problem is zoom lenses. Whether you rely 

on a pop-up reminder or on a reliable habit, zooms are rather 

problematic. A camera with the pop-up reminder can't "know" 

that you zoom to a new FL. Relying on a well disciplined habit 

would be more reliable, but nevertheless, the zoom lens then 

becomes far less convenient than originally intended. Acoarst 

it's still more convenient than carrying and swapping multiple 

lenses [and helps keep your sensor clean].   


I've kinda migrated from my pile of old Nikkors to my pile of 

old Maxxum lenses ever since I acquired an IBIS body. The 

adapter for the Maxxum lenses does transmit FL to the IBIS 

even as you zoom. So I use Maxxum lenses if toting two or 

more lenses afield. OTOH if I'm heading out with just a body 

and one [non-zoom] lens, then the Nikkors remain attractive.  

Nikkor zooms are relegated to bright sunny days when the 

shutter speeds render IBIS a moot point. 

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